Let us begin with a few basic definitions.
Our first goal in proving these two results is to determine bounds on the
value of n in terms of m. In
[7], it is shown that for m and n odd, it is sufficient to
consider values of m and nwith
For m and n even, we begin by showing,
as in [1], it is sufficient to consider only values of n in the
range of
PROOF.Suppose that Kn - I can be decomposed into m-cycles whenever
Let m and
n be positive even integers such that
Write n=qm+r for integers q and rwith
Observe that
as well. Partition
the vertex set of Kn-I into q-1 sets of m vertices and one set of
m+r vertices. Each set of vertices induces a subgraph isomorphic to
Km or Km+r, and
the edges between any two sets induce a subgraph isomorphic to Km,mor Km,m+r. In [10], Sotteau proved that
where Cm denotes
the cycle of length m. In [9], Walecki gives a decomposition of
Km into m-cycles and a 1-factor. Since
the edges of Km+r can be decomposed
into m-cycles and a 1-factor by supposition. This completes the proof.
The conditions of Theorem 1.1 have some surprising consequences, as we now shall see.
implies that n(n-2)/2 is an odd
multiple of m, say
for some positive odd integer
Next since n and n-2 are both even, it follows that 4 divides
n or n-2 and thus 8 divides n(n-2). Therefore, 4 divides
n(n-2)/2 and since
is odd, we have that 4 divides m as well.
We now show that r is congruent to 0 or 2 modulo 8. First, since is odd and 4 divides m, it follows that m divides
r(r - 2)/2 evenly.
Suppose that
say r =
8k+4 for some nonnegative integer k. Then
Next suppose that
say r = 8k+6 for some
nonnegative integer k. Thus
We shall use Cayley graphs, in particular, circulant graphs, for the proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. Accordingly, we define them now.
Equivalently, for a positive integer n, let
implies that
Then the circulant graph X(n;S) is that graph whose
vertices are
with an edge between uiand uj if and only if
We will often write -s for n-swhen n is understood.
Many of our decompositions arise from the action of a permutation on a fixed subgraph. The next definition makes this precise.
Note that
may not be defined for all subgraphs H of G since
is not necessarily an automorphism.