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Goddyn\thanks{Support from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.} \\ {\normalsize Department of Mathematics and Statistics}\\ {\normalsize Simon Fraser University}\\ {\normalsize Burnaby, BC}\\ {\normalsize \tt goddyn@math.sfu.ca} } \date{March 23, 1995} %\begin{document} \maketitle % \newpage % % {\bf Proposed running head:} Circuit Cover Property. % % \vspace{0.5 in} % {\bf All correspondence and proofs should be sent % to the second author:} % \begin{center} % Luis A. Goddyn \\ % {\normalsize Department of Mathematics and Statistics}\\ % {\normalsize Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC}\\ % {\normalsize CANADA, V5A 1S6}\\ % {\normalsize \tt goddyn@math.sfu.ca} % \end{center} % % % {\bf Keywords:} matroids, circuit covers, cycle covers, % Hilbert base, sums of circuits, bond covers, cut covers % % {\bf AMS Classifications:} 05B35, ( 05C38, 05C70, 90C10 ) % % This article is available as a \LaTeX\ file. \begin{abstract} We verify a conjecture of P. Seymour ({\it Europ. J. Combinatorics\/} {\bf 2}, p.\ 289) regarding circuits of a binary matroid. A {\it circuit cover\/} of a integer-weighted matroid $(M,p)$ is a list of circuits of $M$ such that each element $e$ is in exactly $p(e)$ circuits from the list. We characterize those binary matroids for which two obvious necessary conditions for a weighting $(M,p)$ to have a circuit cover are also sufficient. \end{abstract} \vspace{1in} {\bf Keywords:} matroids, circuit covers, cycle covers, Hilbert base, sums of circuits, bond covers, cut covers \vspace{3ex} {\bf AMS Classifications:} 05B35, ( 05C38, 05C70, 90C10 ) \newpage \section{Introduction} In this paper, we verify a conjecture of P. Seymour \cite[(16.5)]{Sey2} which regards covering the elements of a binary matroid with circuits. We give a forbidden-minor characterization of those matroids which have a certain ``Circuit Cover Property''. The special case regarding graphic matroids, solved in \cite{Als}, has had a number of implications for problems such as the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture, the Chinese Postman Problem, and Eulerian Decompositions % %FIX % \cite{FanZha,GHM,Jac,Zha4,Zha1,Zha2,Zha3}. % % % We extend this result to the class of binary matroids by applying some fairly standard matroid decomposition techniques. This strategy involves verifying the conjecture for certain small matroids, and demonstrating that the relevant properties are preserved under matroid sums. The most involved single step (Lemma \ref{V8* CCP}) requires checking that the bonds of a particular graph of order eight satisfy the conjecture. We assume familiarity with basic matroid theory such as %in \cite{Oxl,Wel}. in \cite{Oxl}. Let $M$ be a binary matroid on ground set $E= E(M)$ and let $p : E \rightarrow \ZZ$. A {\it circuit cover\/} of the weighed matroid $(M,p)$ is a list of circuits of $M$ such that each element $e$ is contained in exactly $p(e)$ circuits in the list. If $(M,p)$ has a circuit cover, then the following three {\it admissibility conditions\/} must hold for any $e \in E$ and any cocircuit $B$. \begin{numbered}\label{nonneg int} \vspace{-0.05in} %The weight function $p$ is nonnegative integer valued. $p(e) \in \ZZ_+$ \end{numbered} \begin{numbered}\label{eulerian} \vspace{-0.1in} %The total weight $p(B)$ of any cocircuit $B$ is even. $p(B) \equiv 0 \! \pmod 2$ \end{numbered} \begin{numbered}\label{balanced} \vspace{-0.1in} %No element has more than half the total weight of any %cocircuit containing it. That is, %$p(e) \le p(B-e)$ for any cocircuit $B$ and any element $e \in B$. If $e \in B$, then $p(e) \le p(B-e)$. \end{numbered} % (Here, $\ZZ_+$ denotes the non-negative integers. For $S \se E$ we write $p(S)$ for $\sum_{e \in S} p(e)$, and $S-e$ for $S-\{e\}$.) The necessity of these conditions follows from the fact that, in a binary matroid, any circuit meets each cocircuit in an even number of elements. We say that $(M,p)$ is {\it eulerian\/} if it satisfies \ref{eulerian} for all cocircuits $B$, $(M,p)$ is {\it balanced\/} if it satisfies \ref{balanced} for all pairs $(B,e)$, and $(M,p)$ is {\it admissible\/} if it satisfies \neccond\ for all pairs $(B,e)$. A binary matroid $M$ has the {\it circuit cover property\/} if $(M,p)$ has a circuit cover for every admissible weight function $p$. \begin{theorem}[Main Theorem] \label{main thm} Let $M$ be a binary matroid. Then $M$ has the circuit cover property if and only if $M$ has no minor isomorphic to any of $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$, $M^*(K_5)$ or $M(P_{10})$. \end{theorem} We describe here these matroids and some terminology. %using notation as in \cite{Sey2}. If $M$ is a matroid then $M^*$ denotes its dual. For any graph $G=(V,E)$, $M(G)$ denotes the matroid on $E(G)$ whose circuits are the edge sets of {\it polygons\/} (simple closed walks) in $G$. The dual matroid $M^*(G)$ has as circuits the edge sets of {\it bonds\/} (minimal edge cuts) in $G$. Matroids of the form $M(G)$ ($M^*(G)$) for some graph $G$ are said to be {\it graphic\/} ({\it cographic\/}). %A matroid which is graphic and cographic is said to be {\it planar\/}. The complete graph on $n$ vertices is denoted $K_n$, complete bipartite graphs are denoted with $K_{s,t}$, and Petersen's graph is denoted $P_{10}$. The {\it Wagner graph\/} $V_8$ (sometimes called the {\it M\"oebius ladder\/} of order eight) is obtained from the polygon $v_0 v_1 \ldots v_7 v_0$ by adding four new edges of the form $v_i v_{i+4}$. The {\it Fano\/} matroid $F_7$ is the binary matroid represented over GF(2) by the seven non-zero binary 3-tuples. Thus the circuits of $F_7^*$ are precisely the $4$-arcs of the projective plane PG(2,2). We denote by $R_{10}$ the unique 10-element regular matroid which is neither graphic nor cographic (see \cite{Sey2}). This matroid is conveniently represented by the edges of $K_5$, where $S \se E(K_5)$ is a circuit of $R_{10}$ if and only if $S$ induces in $K_5$ either a polygon of length four or the complement of a polygon of length four. As graphic matroids have no minors isomorphic to $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$ or $M^*(K_5)$, the main theorem extends (and relies on) the following result which was proved in \cite{Als}. \begin{corollary}\label{AGZ1} A graphic matroid $M(G)$ has the circuit cover property if and only if $G$ has no subgraph contractible to $P_{10}$. \end{corollary} \noproof A circuit cover of a weighted cographic matroid $(M^*(G),p)$ corresponds to a covering of $E(G)$ with bonds. Thus a graph $G$ has the {\it bond cover property\/} if $(G,p)$ has a bond cover for every $p: E(G) \rightarrow \ZZ_+$ such that (the edge set of) every polygon has even total weight and no edge has more than half the total weight of any polygon containing it. As none of $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$ and $M(P_{10})$ is cographic, Theorem \ref{main thm} implies the following. \begin{corollary}\label{bond cover prop} A graph has the bond cover property if and only if it has no subgraph contractible to $K_5$. \end{corollary} \vspace{\baselineskip} \noproof \section{Bad Minors} Let $M$ be a matroid. For $S \se E(M)$, the $(0,1)$-characteristic vector in $\QQ^{E(M)}$ corresponding to $S$ is denoted with $\chi^S$. A weighted matroid $(M,p)$ is {\it circuit minimal\/} if $(M,p)$ is admissible, but $(M,p-\chi^C)$ is not admissible for any circuit $C$ of $M$. If $(M,p)$ is circuit minimal then $(M,p)$ has no circuit cover, and $M$ does not have the circuit cover property. A {\it $k$-circuit\/} is a circuit of cardinality $k$. \begin{lemma}\label{bad minors} None of $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$, $M^*(K_5)$ and $M(P_{10})$ has the circuit cover property. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For each of these matroids we describe a circuit-minimal weighting $p$. % \begin{description} \item[$F_7^*$:] Let $C$ be a fixed $4$-circuit of $F_7^*$. Put $p(e) = 1$ for all $e \in C$, and $p(e) = 2$ for the remaining $3$ elements in $F_7^*$. % \item[$R_{10}$:] Let $S$ be any $3$-subset of elements not contained in any $4$-circuit of $R_{10}$. Put $p(e) = 3$ for all $e \in S$, and $p(e) = 1$ for the remaining $7$ elements in $R_{10}$. % \item[$M^*(K_5)$:] Let $T$ be six edges in $K_5$ which induce a subgraph isomorphic with $K_{2,3}$. Put $p(e) = 1$ for all $e \in T$, and $p(e) = 2$ for the remaining four edges in $K_5$. % \item[$M(P_{10})$:] Let $F$ be the edges in a fixed $1$-factor of $P_{10}$. Put $p(e) = 2$ for all $e \in F$, and $p(e) = 1$ for the remaining $10$ edges in $P_{10}$. \end{description} % It is routine to verify that all four weighted matroids are circuit minimal. \end{proof} % \begin{remark}\label{cone check}\rm There is an easy way to check that the first three of the above four weighted matroids $(M,p)$ have no circuit cover. In each case, we define a function $s$ on $E(M)$ via \[ s(e)=\case{1 & \mbox{if $p(e) = 1$,}}{-1 & \mbox{otherwise.}} \] One easily checks that $s$ has negative inner product with $p$ whereas $s(C)$ is non-negative for each circuit $C$ of $M$. By Farkas' lemma $p$ cannot be expressed as a linear combination of the vectors $\{ \chi^C: \mbox{$C$ is a circuit in $M$}\}$ with nonnegative coefficients, whereas a circuit cover corresponds to such a linear combination with nonnegative integer coefficients. This argument fails for $M(P_{10})$ since the weighting described above is a nonnegative half-integral combination of circuits. \end{remark} A {\it cycle\/} in a binary matroid $M$ is any disjoint union of circuits in $M$. The cycles of $M$ form a subspace of GF$(2)^{E(M)}$, called the {\it cycle space\/}, under the symmetric difference operator ``$\sd$''. Clearly $(M,p)$ has a {\it cycle cover\/} if and only if it has a circuit cover. The terms {\it cocycle\/} and {\it cocycle space\/} are defined analogously. If $(M,p)$ is a weighted matroid, then any minor $M'$ of $M$, induces a {\it weighted minor\/} $(M',p\!\!\restriction_{E(M')})$, which we often denote by $(M',p)$ where no confusion results. As a further abuse, we may write $e \in M$ and $p: M \rightarrow \ZZ$ instead of $e \in E(M)$ and $p: E(M) \rightarrow \ZZ$. We say that a cocycle $D$ is {\it balanced\/} in $(M,p)$ if $p(e) \le p(D-e)$ for all $e \in D$. \begin{lemma}\label{closed under minors} If a binary matroid $M$ has the circuit cover property then any minor of $M$ also has the circuit cover property. \end{lemma} % \begin{proof} Assume $M$ has the circuit cover property and let $f \in M$. We show that both $M\bs f$ and $M/f$ have the circuit cover property. First, suppose that $(M\bs f,p)$ is admissible. We extend the definition of $p$ to $M$ by setting $p(f):=0$. Then $(M,p)$ is clearly admissible and thus has a circuit cover $(C_i)$. Since $p(f)=0$, $(C_i)$ is also a circuit cover of $(M\bs f)$, so $M\bs f$ has the circuit cover property. Now suppose that $(M/f,p)$ is admissible. We may assume that $f$ is contained in some cocircuit of $M$, since otherwise $f$ is a loop and $M/f = M\bs f$. We extend $p$ to $E(M)$ by setting $$p(f) := \min \{ p(B-f): B \mbox{ is a cocircuit in } M \mbox{ containing } f \}.$$ Let $B_0$ be a cocircuit in $M$ achieving this minimum. We claim that $(M,p)$ is admissible. Let $B$ be any cocircuit in $M$. We may assume $f\in B$, for otherwise $B$ is a cocircuit in $M/f$, whence \ref{eulerian} and \ref{balanced} hold for $B$. Since $B \sd B_0$ is a cocycle in $M$ not containing $f$, $B \sd B_0$ is a cocycle in $M/f$, so its total weight is even. We have, modulo 2, that $p(B \sd B_0) \equiv p(B) + p(B_0)$, so $p(B) \equiv p(B_0) = 2p(f) \equiv 0$. Thus $(M,p)$ is eulerian. %We now show that $B$ is balanced in $(M,p)$. Let $e \in B$. If $e \in B \cap B_0$, then we have $p(e) \le p(B_0-e) \le p(B-e)$, by the choice of $B_0$. If $e \in B-B_0$, then $B \sd B_0$ is a cocycle of $M/f$ containing $e$, and thus $p(e) \le p(B \sd B_0 -e) \le p(B-f) + p(B_0-f) -p(e) = p(B-f) + p(f) - p(e) = p(B-e)$. Hence $(M,p)$ is balanced, and thus admissible. Let $(C_i)$ be a circuit cover of $(M,p)$. Each $C_i - \{f\}$ is a cycle in $M/f$. Thus $(C_i - \{f\})$ is a cycle cover of $(M/f,p)$, and $M/f$ has the circuit cover property. \end{proof} \section{Decomposition Theorems} We derive here a decomposition theorem for the class of matroids with which this paper is concerned. Although we use the terminology of Truemper \cite{Tru}, it suits our purposes to define matroid sums in terms of cycles and cocycles (as in Seymour \cite{Sey3}) rather than the matrix operations of Truemper. We refer the reader to Sections 8.5, 10.5 and 11.3 of \cite{Tru}, as well as to Section 12.4 of \cite{Oxl}. Let $M_1$, $M_2$ be binary matroids whose ground sets $E_1$, $E_2$ may intersect. We denote by $M_1 \sd M_2$ the matroid on $E_1 \sd E_2$ whose cycles are all subsets of $E_1 \sd E_2$ of the form $C_1 \sd C_2$, where $C_i$ is a cycle in $M_i$, $i=1,2$. In particular, we define the following three {\it matroid sums\/}. \be \item $M_1 \sd M_2$ is a {\it $1$-sum\/} of $M_1$ and $M_2$ if $E_1 \cap E_2=\es$. \item $M_1 \sd M_2$ is a {\it $2$-sum\/} of $M_1$ and $M_2$ if $E_1 \cap E_2=\{f\}$, where $f$ is neither a loop nor a coloop of $M_1$ or $M_2$. \item $M_1 \sd M_2$ is a {\it Y-sum\/} of $M_1$ and $M_2$ if $|E_1 \cap E_2| = 3$, where $Z := E_1 \cap E_2$ is a cocircuit of size $3$ in both $M_1$ and $M_2$, and $Z$ contains no circuit of either $M_1$ or $M_2$. \ee A matroid sum of $M_1$ and $M_2$ is said to be {\it proper\/} if it contains proper minors isomorphic with $M_1$ and $M_2$. If $M$ and $M'$ are matroids, then an {\it $M'$ minor\/} of $M$ is a minor of $M$ isomorphic with $M'$. We state two classical decomposition results. The first is due to Seymour (see \cite[(11.3.16) and (11.3.19)]{Sey3}). % \begin{lemma}\label{no F7 decomp} Every binary matroid with no $F^*_7$ minor may be constructed recursively by means of proper $1$-sums, $2$-sums and Y-sums, starting from copies of $F_7$, $R_{10}$, graphic, and cographic matroids. \end{lemma} \noproof % We note that a Y-sum can not involve a copy of either $R_{10}$ or $F_7$ since neither matroid has a cocircuit of cardinality three. The second decomposition result is essentially due to Wagner \cite{Wag}. It is stated in dual form in \cite[(10.5.15)]{Tru}. A matroid is {\it planar\/} if it is both graphic and cographic. % \begin{lemma}\label{no K5 decomp} Every cographic matroid with no $M^*(K_5)$ minor may be constructed recursively by means of proper $1$-sums, $2$-sums and Y-sums starting from copies of $M^*(K_{3,3})$, $M^*(V_8)$, and planar matroids.\hspace{9pt}~ \end{lemma} \noproof % Seymour \cite[(6.10)]{Sey3} observes that $M^*(K_{3,3})$, which is a minor of $M^*(V_8)$, may be dropped from the list of starting minors provided we do not require the sums to be proper. Indeed the following is easy to check. % \begin{proposition}\label{V8 proper} Every proper minor of $M^*(V_8)$ is either planar or is a Y-sum of two planar matroids.\hspace{9pt}~ \end{proposition} \noproof % \begin{lemma}\label{CCP decomp} Every binary matroid with no $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$, $M^*(K_5)$ or $M(P_{10})$ minor may be constructed recursively by means of $1$-sums, $2$-sums and Y-sums starting from copies of $F_7$, $M^*(V_8)$, and graphic matroids containing no $M(P_{10})$ minor. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $M$ be a binary matroid with no minor isomorphic to $F_7^*$, $R_{10}$, $M^*(K_5)$ or $M(P_{10})$. We decompose $M$ via Lemma \ref{no F7 decomp}, obtaining a list $\L$ of matroids. Since the sums in Lemma \ref{no F7 decomp} are proper, each matroid in $\L$ is one of following. \begin{itemize} \item $F_7$ \item cographic, with no $M^*(K_5)$-minor \item graphic, with no $M(P_{10})$-minor. \end{itemize} We have used here that $M(P_{10})$ is not cographic and $M^*(K_5)$ is not graphic. We further decompose each cographic matroid in $\L$ by applying Lemma \ref{no K5 decomp}. Finally we apply Proposition \ref{V8 proper} to eliminate copies of $M^*(K_{3,3})$ and obtain our final decomposition. As planar matroids are graphic and have no $M(P_{10})$-minor, each matroid in the final decomposition is of the required type. \end{proof} \section{Preservation under sums} We show here that the circuit cover property is preserved by $1$-sums, $2$-sums and Y-sums. We note that the operation that is dual to the Y-sum, called $\sd$-sum by Truemper \cite{Tru} and used by Seymour \cite{Sey3,Sey2}, does not preserve the circuit cover property. For example, $F_7$ has the circuit cover property (Lemma \ref{F7 CCP}), whereas any $\sd$-sum of two copies of $F_7$ has an $F^*_7$ minor. However, the proof of Lemma \ref{sum preserve} below has a similar flavour to (7.2) and (7.3) of \cite{Sey2}. % We first state an observation of Seymour \cite[p. 319]{Sey3}. \begin{lemma}\label{cocycles of a sum} Let $M$ be a $1$-sum, $2$-sum or Y-sum of binary matroids $M_1$ and $M_2$. Then the cocycles of $M$ are precisely the subsets of $E_1 \sd E_2$ of the form $B_1 \sd B_2$, where $B_i$ is a cocycle of $M_i$, $i=1,2$. \end{lemma} \noproof % \begin{lemma}\label{sum preserve} Suppose $M$ is a $1$-sum, $2$-sum or Y-sum of binary matroids $M_1$ and $M_2$, where both $M_1$ and $M_2$ have the circuit cover property. Then $M$ has the circuit cover property. \end{lemma} % \begin{proof} We omit the $1$-sum case as its proof is almost trivial. Let $M$ be a $2$-sum of $M_1$ and $M_2$ where $M_1 \cap M_2 = \{ f \}$ and where each $M_i$ has the circuit cover property. We proceed by constructing an admissible weighting $p_i$ of $M_i$, $i=1,2$. Let $i \in \{ 1,2\}$. Since $f$ is not a loop in $M_i$, some cocircuit in $M_i$ contains $f$. We choose such a cocircuit $D_i$ which minimizes $p(D_i-\{ f\})$, and let $n_i$ denote this minimum. We assume without loss of generality that $n_1 \le n_2$. For $i = 1,2$ we define $p_i : M_i \rightarrow \ZZ $ by $$ p_i (e) = \case{n_1 & \mbox{if } e=f} {p(e) & \mbox{otherwise.}} $$ From this definition we immediately have \begin{equation} p_1(e) \le p_1(D_1 - \{e \}), \mbox{ for all } e \in D_1. \end{equation} We now show that each $(M_i,p_i)$ is admissible. Let $i\in \{ 1,2\}$. By Lemma \ref{cocycles of a sum} each cocircuit $D$ in $M_i$ not containing $f$ is a cocycle in $M$. Since $(M,p)$ is admissible and since $p$ and $p_i$ coincide on $D$, $D$ is balanced and eulerian in $(M_i,p_i)$. We assume now that $D$ is a cocircuit in $M_i$ containing $f$. By Lemma \ref{cocycles of a sum}, $D \sd D_1$ is a cocycle of $M$, so $D \sd D_1$ is balanced and has even total weight in $(M,p)$. Since $p_1(D_1)$ is even and $p(D \sd D_1)\equiv p_i(D) + p_1(D_1) \!\!\!\pmod 2$, it follows that $p_i(D)$ is even. Let $e \in D$. If $e \in D \cap D_1$, then by (1) and the choice of $D_1$ $$p_i(e) = p_1(e) \le p_1(D_1 - \{ e\}) \le p_i(D-\{e\}).$$ If $e \in D - D_1$, then $e \in D_1 \sd D$ and $$p_i(e) = p(e) \le p(D\sd D_1 - \{ e\}) \le p(D-\{f\})+p(D_1 -\{f\})-p(e) = p_i(D-\{ f\}) + p_i(f)-p_i(e) = p_i(D-\{e \}).$$ Thus $(M_i,p_i)$ is admissible and, by hypothesis, has a circuit cover $\L_i$, $i=1,2$. We form a cycle cover of $(M,p)$ by ``pairing off'' the circuits in $\L_1$ which contain $f$ with those in $\L_2$ which contain $f$. More precisely, we let $\L'_i$ be the sublist of $\L_i$ consisting of the $n_1$ circuits which contain $f$, $i=1,2$, and let $g:\L'_1 \rightarrow \L'_2$ be any bijection. The list $(\L_1 - \L'_1) \cup (\L_2 - \L'_2)\cup ( C \sd g(C) : C \in \L'_1)$ is a cycle cover of $(M,p)$. Thus $M$ has the circuit cover property. We assume now that $M$ is a Y-sum of $M_1$ and $M_2$ where each $M_i$ has the circuit cover property. Let $M_1 \cap M_2 = Z = \{ e_1,e_2,e_3 \}$ where $Z$ is a cocircuit in both $M_1$ and $M_2$. Let $p$ be an admissible weighting of $M$. Let $i \in \{1,2\}$ and $j \in \{ 1,2,3 \}$. Since $Z$ contains no circuit of $M_i$, $e_j$ is not a loop in $M_i/(Z-\{e_j\})$ and thus there is a cocircuit $D$ in $M_i$ such that $D \cap Z = \{ e_j \}$. Let $d_{ij}$ be the minimum of $p(D-e_j)$ over all such cocircuits $D$, and let $D_{ij}$ be a cocircuit attaining this minimum. For $j=1,2,3$, we define $n_j := \min\{d_{1j}, d_{2j}\}$, and let $D_j$ be a cocircuit in $\{D_{1j},D_{2j}\}$ with $p(D_j -p) = n_j$. Let $n := n_1+n_2+n_3$. For $i = 1,2$ we define the weighting $p_i : M_i \rightarrow \ZZ $ by $$ p_i (e) = \case{\min\{ n_j, n-n_j\} & \mbox{if } e=e_j,\mbox{ for some }j\in\{1,2,3\}} {p(e) & \mbox{otherwise.}} $$ We now show each $(M_i,p_i)$ is admissible. Let $i \in \{ 1,2 \}$. Let $D$ be any cocircuit of $M_i$. We have four cases depending on $|Z \cap D|$. Case $|Z \cap D|=3$: Here $D=Z$. By construction of $p_i$, $Z$ is balanced in $(M_i,p_i)$. Its weight, $p_i(Z)$, equals either $n$ or $2n - 2n_j$ for some $j \in \{1,2,3\}$, and thus $Z$ is eulerian provided that $n$ is even. By Lemma \ref{cocycles of a sum}, $D_1 \sd D_2 \sd D_3 \sd Z$ is a cocycle of $M$, and so $ n=n_1+n_2+n_3=p(D_1) +p(D_2) +p(D_3) -p(Z) \equiv p(D_1 \sd D_2 \sd D_3 \sd Z) \equiv 0 \!\!\!\pmod 2$, as required. Case $|Z \cap D|=0$: Here $Z$ is a cocycle of $M$, and is thus balanced and eulerian in $(M_i,p_i)$. Case $|Z \cap D|=1$: By symmetry we may assume $Z \cap D = \{ e_1 \}$. If $p_i(e_1) = n_1$, then by the same argument as in the $2$-sum case, $D$ is eulerian and balanced in $(M_i,p_i)$. We assume that $p_i(e_1) = n_2 + n_3