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Goddyn $^1$}\,\thanks{\ Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada}\\[1ex] {\sc Jan van den Heuvel $^1$}\thanks{\ Supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada}\ \thanks{\ Current address\,: Centre for Discrete and Applicable Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom}\\[1ex] {\sc Sean McGuinness $^2$}\\ \\ $^1$ Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University\\ Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6\\[1.5ex] $^2$ Department of Mathematics, University of Ume\aa\\ Ume\aa, Sweden} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \newpage {\bf Proposed Running Head: } Removable Circuits in Multigraphs \vspace{2cm} \newline Please send proofs to: \begin{quote} Luis Goddyn \\ Department of Mathematics and Statistics \\ Simon Fraser University \\ Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 \\ CANADA \vspace{1cm} \\ email: goddyn@sfu.ca \\ tel: (604) 291-4699 \end{quote} \newpage \begin{abstract} \normalsize \noindent We prove the following conjecture of Bill Jackson (\,J.~London Math.\ Soc.~(2)~{\bf21} (1980) p.~391\,). \begin{quote} {\sl If~$G$ is a 2-connected multigraph with minimum degree at least~4 and containing no Petersen minor, then~$G$ contains a circuit~$C$ such that $G-\EC$ is 2-connected.} \end{quote} In fact,~$G$ has at least {\em two\/} edge-disjoint circuits which can serve as~$C$. Until now, the conjecture had been verified only for planar graphs and for simple graphs. \bigskip \bigskip\noindent {\sl Keywords}\,: (\,removable\,) circuit, multigraph, Petersen graph \bigskip\noindent {\sl AMS Subject Classifications (1991)}\,: 05C38, 05C40, 05C70 \end{abstract} \newpage \section{Introduction}\label{sec-intro} In this paper a graph may have multiple edges, but no loops. A graph is {\it simple\/} if it has no multiple edges. A {\it circuit\/} in a graph~$G$ is a connected 2-regular subgraph of~$G$. A circuit~$C$ in~$G$ is {\it removable\/} if $G-\EC$ is 2-connected. A {\it Petersen minor\/} of a graph~$G$ is a minor of~$G$ which is isomorphic with Petersen's graph. A graph is called {\it eulerian\/} if all its vertices have even degree. The study of removable circuits in a graph seems to have been initiated by A.~Hobbs~\litref{hob}, who asked whether every 2-connected eulerian graph with minimum degree at least~4 contains a removable circuit. The answer to this question is no, as was first realized by N.~Robertson~\litref{rob}, and later, independently, by B.~Jackson~\litref{jac}. Their counterexample is depicted in Figure~\ref{fig1}. \begin{figure}[htb] \vspace{10pt} \centerline{ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.15mm}% %The Petersen graph with doubled and split spokes \begin{picture}(278.2,265.3)(-139.1,-119.3) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(-82.3,-113.3){\vertex}\put(82.3,-113.3){\vertex} \put(133.1,43.3){\vertex}\put(0.0,140.0){\vertex} \put(-133.1,43.3){\vertex} % \put(-58.8,-81.9){\vertex}\put(58.8,-81.9){\vertex} \put(95.1,30.9){\vertex}\put(0.0,100.0){\vertex} \put(-95.1,30.9){\vertex} % \put(-35.3,-48.5){\vertex}\put(35.3,-48.5){\vertex} \put(57.1,18.5){\vertex}\put(0.0,60.0){\vertex} \put(-57.1,18.5){\vertex} % \put(-82.3,-113.3){\line(1,0){164.8}} \bezier{165}(82.3,-113.3)(107.7,-35.0)(133.1,43.3) \bezier{165}(133.1,43.3)(66.55,91.65)(0.0,140.0) \bezier{165}(0.0,140.0)(-66.55,91.65)(-133.1,43.3) \bezier{165}(-133.1,43.3)(-107.7,-35.0)(-82.3,-113.3) % \bezier{114}(-35.3,-48.5)(-17.75,5.75)(0.0,60.0) \bezier{114}(0.0,60.0)(17.75,5.75)(35.3,-48.5) \bezier{114}(35.3,-48.5)(-10.9,-15.0)(-57.1,18.5) \put(-57.1,18.5){\line(1,0){114.2}} \bezier{114}(57.1,18.5)(10.9,-15.0)(-35.3,-48.5) % \bezier{41}(-82.3,-113.3)(-78.7,-90.6)(-58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(-82.3,-113.3)(-61.8,-102.9)(-58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(82.3,-113.3)(78.7,-90.6)(58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(82.3,-113.3)(61.8,-102.9)(58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(133.1,43.3)(116.9,27.0)(95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(133.1,43.3)(110.5,46.9)(95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(0.0,140.0)(10.5,119.5)(0.0,100.0) \bezier{41}(0.0,140.0)(-10.5,119.5)(0.0,100.0) \bezier{41}(-133.1,43.3)(-116.9,27.0)(-95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(-133.1,43.3)(-110.5,46.9)(-95.1,30.9) % \bezier{41}(-35.3,-48.5)(-54.5,-58.5)(-58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(-35.3,-48.5)(-38.8,-70.0)(-58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(35.3,-48.5)(54.5,-58.5)(58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(35.3,-48.5)(38.8,-70.0)(58.8,-81.9) \bezier{41}(57.1,18.5)(78.5,15.3)(95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(57.1,18.5)(72.5,33.8)(95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(0.0,60.0)(9.7,79.4)(0.0,100.0) \bezier{41}(0.0,60.0)(- 9.7,79.4)(0.0,100.0) \bezier{41}(-57.1,18.5)(-78.5,15.3)(-95.1,30.9) \bezier{41}(-57.1,18.5)(-72.5,33.8)(-95.1,30.9) \end{picture} } \begin{capt} A 2-connected 4-regular eulerian graph without removable circuit.\labl{fig1} \end{capt} \vspace{5pt} \end{figure}% The fact that the counterexample in Figure~\ref{fig1} contains multiple edges, was shown to be unavoidable by the following result. \begin{theoremplus}{{\sc Jackson} \litref{jac}} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected simple graph with minimum degree $k\geq4$ and let $e\in\EG$. Then there exists a removable circuit~$C$ in~$G$ of length at least $k-1$ and such that $e\notin\EC$.\label{th-jac} \end{theoremplus} \noindent In fact, a similar result for arbitrary connectivity can be derived from an older result of W.~Mader~\litrefplus{mad}{Satz~1}. We state only the corollary here. \begin{theoremplus}{{\sc Mader} \litref{mad}} Let~$G$ be a $k$-connected simple graph with minimum degree at least $k+2$. Then~$G$ contains a circuit~$C$ such that $G-\EC$ is $k$-connected.\label{th-mad} \end{theoremplus} \noindent A result with a somewhat different flavor was obtained by C.~Thomassen and B.~Toft. \begin{theoremplus}{{\sc Thomassen \& Toft} \litref{thotof}} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected simple graph with minimum degree at least~4. Then~$G$ contains an induced circuit~$C$ such that $G-\VC$ is connected and $G-\EC$ is 2-connected.\label{th-thotof} \end{theoremplus} \noindent Theorems~\ref{th-jac}--\ref{th-thotof} all show that a 2-connected {\it simple\/} graph with minimum degree at least~4 contains a removable circuit. But the problem remains to find sufficient conditions such that this conclusion holds for nonsimple graphs. Since all known examples of 2-connected graphs with minimum degree at least~4 and containing no removable circuit contain the Petersen graph as a minor, the following conjecture was made in~\litref{jac}. \begin{conjectureplus}{{\sc Jackson} \litref{jac}} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected graph with minimum degree at least~4 and containing no Petersen minor. Then~$G$ contains a removable circuit.\label{con-jac} \end{conjectureplus} \noindent The special case of Conjecture~\ref{con-jac} for planar graphs was proved in~\litref{flejac}. \begin{theoremplus}{{\sc Fleischner \& Jackson} \litref{flejac}} Let~$G$ be a planar 2-connected graph with minimum degree at least~4. Then~$G$ contains a removable circuit.\label{th-flejac} \end{theoremplus} \noindent In this paper we will present a proof of Conjecture~\ref{con-jac}. In fact, we will prove the following stronger result. \begin{theorem} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected graph with minimum degree at least~4 and containing no Petersen minor. Then~$G$ contains~2 edge-disjoint removable circuits.\label{th-main} \end{theorem} \noindent Theorem~\ref{th-main} follows from an even slightly stronger result, the exact statement of which can be found in Section~\ref{sec-general}. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we prove a a special case of our main result regarding eulerian graphs containing no Petersen minor. The general case is proved in Section~\ref{sec-general}. Section~\ref{sec-remarks} contains some general remarks, possible extensions and related open problems. \section{The eulerian case}\label{sec-euler} The goal of this section is to prove the following result, which is an important step toward the proof of the general theorem. \begin{theorem} Let~$G$ be a 3-connected eulerian graph having no Petersen minor. Then there exist two edge-disjoint removable circuits in~$G$, each having length at least~3.\label{th-eu} \end{theorem} \noindent A {\it circuit decomposition\/} of~$G$ is a set of circuits in~$G$ whose edge sets partition~$\EG$. A {\it hypergraph~$\H$} is a set of vertices~$V(\H)$ together with a multiset~$E(\H)$ of {\it hyperedges\/}. Each hyperedge is a nonempty subset of~$V(\H)$. For $A,B\se V(\H)$ we denote by $[A,B]_\H$ the set of hyperedges in~$\H$ with at least one vertex in each of~$A$ and~$B$. A hypergraph $\H=(V,E)$ is {\it$k$-edge connected\/} if for every partition~$(A,B)$ of~$V$ into two nonempty parts $|[A,B]_\H|\geq k$. If $v\in V$, then $\H-v$ denotes the hypergraph with vertex set $V\sm\{v\}$ and hyperedge set $\{\,e\sm\{v\}\mid e\in E(\H)$ and $|e\sm\{v\}|\ge1\,\}$. \begin{lemma} Let~$\H$ be a hypergraph of order at least~2. Let $k\geq1$. If~$\H$ is $k$-edge connected, then there exist two vertices $v_1,v_2$ in~$\H$ such that both $\H-v_1$ and $\H-v_2$ are $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected.\label{lem-hypgr} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For $|V(\H)|=2$, the result follows immediately from the definition of edge-connectivity. Suppose $|V(\H)|\geq3$ and that there exists $v\in V(\H)$ such that $\H-v$ is not $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected. Then there is a partition~$(A,B)$ of $V(\H)\sm\{v\}$ into nonempty parts such that $|[A,B]_\H|\leq\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1$. Let~$\H_A$ denote the hypergraph obtained from~$\H$ by identifying all vertices in $B\cup\{v\}$ with a new vertex~$b$. More precisely, $V(\H_A)=A\cup\{b\}$ and $E(\H_A)=\{\,e\in E(\H)\mid e\se A\,\}\cup \{\,(e'\cap A)\cup\{b\} \mid e'\in [A,B\cup\{v\}]_\H\,\}$. It is straightforward to check that~$\H_A$ is a $k$-edge connected hypergraph. Since $|V(\H_A)|<|V(\H)|$, we can inductively find two vertices~$x,y$ in~$V(\H_A)$ such that both $\H_A-x$ and $\H_A-y$ are $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected. We may assume $x\neq b$, hence $x\in A$. We claim that $\H-x$ is $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected. Suppose this is not true. Then there is a partition~$(A',B')$ of $V(\H)\sm\{x\}$ into nonempty parts such that $|[A',B']_\H|\leq\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1$. We may assume $v\in A'$. Set $B^*=B\cap B'$ and suppose $B^*\neq\emptyset$. By the choice of $A,B,A',B'$ we have $|[A,B^*]_\H|\leq\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1$ and $|[A',B^*]_\H|\leq\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1$. Since $A\cup A'=V(\H)\sm B^*$, this implies $|[B^*,V(\H)\sm B^*]_\H|\leq2\,(\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1)\leq k-1$, contradicting the fact that~$\H$ is $k$-edge connected. Thus we have $B^*=\emptyset$, hence $B'\subseteq A$. But then $|[B',V(\H_A-x)\sm B']_{\H_A}|=|[B',A']_\H|\leq\lceil\half\,k\rceil-1$, contradicting that~$\H_A-x$ is $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected. This shows that $\H-x$ is $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected. Similarly, there is a vertex $x'\in B$ such that $\H-x'$ is $\lceil\half\,k\rceil$-edge connected, which proves the lemma. \end{proof} \begin{lemma} Let~$G$ be a 3-connected graph containing a circuit decomposition~$\L$ in which every circuit has length at least~3. Then there exist two circuits in~$\L$ that are removable in~$G$.\label{lem-eurem} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We define the hypergraph~$\H_\L$ as follows. Set $V(\H_\L)=\L$ and $E(\H_\L)=\{\,e_v\mid v\in\VG\,\}$, where $e_v=\{\,C\in\L\mid v\in\VC\,\}$. Since~$G$ is 3-connected and~$\L$ contains no circuits of length~2, $\H_\L$ is 3-edge connected. Since~$G$ is 3-connected, $\L$ contains at least~2 circuits, hence~$\H_\L$ contains at least~2 vertices. So by Lemma~\ref{lem-hypgr}, there exist two circuits $C_1,C_2$ in~$\L$ such that $\H_\L-C_1$ and $\H_\L-C_2$ are 2-edge connected. We will show that this implies that $G-E(C_1)$ and $G-E(C_2)$ are 2-connected. Suppose that $G-E(C_1)$ is not 2-connected. Then we can partition the edges of~$G-E(C_1)$ into two parts~$A,B$ such that $|V(G[A])\cap V(G[B])|\leq1$. Thus for any circuit~$C$ in $\L\sm\{C_1\}$ we have $\EC\se A$ or $\EC\se B$. This induces a partition of $V(\H_\L-C_1)$ into two parts such that at most one hyperedge of $\H_\L-C_1$ intersects both parts, contradicting that $\H_\L-C_1$ is 2-edge connected. Similarly, $G-E(C_2)$ is 2-connected. Thus $C_1,C_2\in\L$ are both removable in~$G$. \end{proof} \noindent The following result is a special case of the main result in~\litref{alsgodzha}. \begin{theoremplus}{{\sc Alspach, Goddyn \& Zhang} \litref{alsgodzha}} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected eulerian graph containing no Petersen minor. Assume further that every edge in~$G$ has multiplicity at most~2. Then there exists a circuit decomposition~$\L$ of~$G$ such that every circuit in~$\L$ has length at least~3.\label{th-eucov} \end{theoremplus} \noindent We now can give the proof of Theorem~\ref{th-eu}. \begin{proofplus}{Theorem~\ref{th-eu}} Let~$G$ be a 3-connected eulerian graph having no Petersen minor. First suppose~$G$ contains edges of multiplicity at least~3. Since~$G$ is 3-connected and eulerian, the end vertices of these edges have degree at least~6. So if we remove two edges from an edge of multiplicity at least~3, the remaining graph is still 3-connected and eulerian. Moreover, a removable circuit in the smaller graph is certainly removable in the original graph. So we can assume that~$G$ has only edges of multiplicity~1 or~2. By Theorem~\ref{th-eucov}, there exists a circuit decomposition~$\L$ of~$G$ such that every circuit in~$\L$ has length at least~3. By Lemma~\ref{lem-eurem}, there are two circuits in~$\L$ that are removable in~$G$, proving the theorem. \end{proofplus} \begin{remark} By applying and extending the ideas used in the proofs of the Claims~\ref{cl-1},~\ref{cl-2}, and~\ref{cl-3} in the proof of Theorem~\ref{th-mainstr} below, we may replace in Theorem~\ref{th-eu} the hypothesis that~$G$ is 3-connected with the weaker hypothesis that~$G$ is 2-connected with minimum degree at least~4.\label{rem-eul} \end{remark} \section{The general case}\label{sec-general} In order to eliminate the minimum degree condition in Theorem~\ref{th-main}, we extend slightly the definition of a removable circuit; a circuit~$C$ in~$G$ is {\it removable\/} if $G-E(C)$ is the union of a 2-connected graph with a (\,possibly empty\,) set of isolated vertices. A {\it digon\/} is a circuit of length two. A digon~$C$ in~$G$ is {\it lonely\/} if exactly two edges in~$G$ join the two vertices of~$C$. A circuit is {\it good\/} in~$G$ if it is removable in~$G$ and not a lonely digon. The following result immediately implies Theorem~\ref{th-main}. \begin{theorem} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected graph different from a circuit and having no Petersen minor. Suppose~$G$ has exactly $k\in\{0,1\}$ vertices of degree~3. Then there exist $2-k$ edge-disjoint good circuits in~$G$.\label{th-mainstr} \end{theorem} \noindent We denote by~$d_G(v)$ the degree of a vertex~$v$ in graph~$G$, and denote by~$v_i(G)$ the number of vertices in~$G$ having degree~$i$. An {\it edge cut\/} is the set of edges~$\delta(X)$ having exactly one end vertex in~$X$, for some $X\se\VG$ with $\emptyset\neq X\neq\VG$; a {\it$k$-edge cut\/} is an edge cut having cardinality~$k$. Where convenient, we sometimes identify a circuit by its edge set. \begin{proofplus}{Theorem \ref{th-mainstr}} Suppose the theorem is false, and let~$H$ be a counterexample for which~$|E(H)|$ is minimum. \newpage \begin{claim} $H$ has no 2-edge cut.\label{cl-1} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} Suppose that $\delta(X_1)=\{e,f\}$ is a 2-edge cut in~$H$. Since~$H$ is 2-connected and not a circuit, $e$ and~$f$ are not parallel. Thus the graph~$H'$ obtained from~$H$ by contracting~$e$ is loopless and satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem with $v_3(H')\leq v_3(H)$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H'$ has $2-v_3(H')$ edge-disjoint good circuits. Expansion of~$e$ transforms these circuits into at least $2-v_3(H)$ edge-disjoint circuits which are each removable in~$H$. Since~$H$ is a counterexample, one of these circuits, say~$C_1$, is a lonely digon in~$H$. This can happen only if each of the two edges~$g,h$ of~$C_1$ induce a triangle with $\{e,f\}$ and $e\cap f$ is a vertex of degree~2 in~$H$. Thus $D_1=\{e,f,g\}$ is a circuit which is good in~$H$. As~$H$ is a counterexample, we have $v_3(H)=0$ and thus~$H'$ has a second removable circuit which corresponds to a removable circuit~$C_2$ in~$H$. The circuit~$C_2$ is edge-disjoint from~$C_1$ and cannot be a lonely digon. If~$C_2$ is edge-disjoint from~$D_1$, then we are done. So we may assume that~$C_2$ contains~$e$ and~$f$. But now $C_2-\{e,f\}+g$ is a good circuit in~$H$ edge-disjoint from~$D_1$, a contradiction. \end{proofopen} \noindent Note that in particular Claim~\ref{cl-1} implies that~$H$ has no vertex of degree~2. \begin{claim} $H$ has no pair $y\in\VH$, $e\in E(H)$ such that $H-y-e$ is disconnected.\label{cl-2} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} Suppose that $y,e$ is such a pair. Let $X_1,X_2\se\VH$ be such that $|X_1|,|X_2|\geq2$, $X_1\cup X_2=\VH$, $X_1\cap X_2=\{y\}$, and~$e$ is the unique edge in~$H$ with an end vertex in $X_1\sm\{y\}$ and an end vertex in $X_2\sm\{y\}$. By Claim~\ref{cl-1}, $H[X_1]$ and~$H[X_2]$ contain at least~2 edges. For $i=1,2$, let~$x_i$ denote the end vertex of~$e$ in~$X_i$, and define~$H_i$ to be the graph obtained from~$H[X_i]$ by adding a new vertex~$u_i$ and two new edges~$u_iy$ and~$u_ix_i$. By Claim~\ref{cl-1}, at least two edges join~$y$ to other vertices in~$X_i$, so $d_H(y)\ge4$ and $d_{H_i}(y)\ge3$, $i=1,2$. To obtain a contradiction, it suffices to show for $i=1,2$ that if no vertex in $V(H_i)\sm\{y\}$ has degree~3 in~$H_i$, then~$H[X_i]$ contains a circuit which is good in~$H$. Suppose $v_3(H_i)=0$. Since~$H$ is 2-connected, $H_i$ is 2-connected and satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem. By the minimality of~$H$, $H_i$ has~2 edge-disjoint good circuits. One of these two circuits does not contain~$u_i$, and is therefore removable in~$H$. By construction of~$H_i$, this circuit is not a lonely digon and is thus good in~$H$, a contradiction. Thus we may assume $v_3(H_i)=1$ and $d_{H_i}(y)=3$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H_i$ has a good circuit. Since this circuit does not contain~$y$, it is removable in~$H$. Again, by construction of~$H_i$, this circuit is a good circuit in~$H$, a contradiction. \end{proofopen} \begin{claim} $H$ is 3-connected.\label{cl-3} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} Suppose $\{x,y\}$ is a vertex cut in~$H$. Let $X_1,X_2\se\VH$ be such that $|X_1|,|X_2|\ge3$, $X_1\cup X_2=\VH$, $X_1\cap X_2=\{x,y\}$, and no edge of~$H$ has an end vertex in $X_1\sm\{x,y\}$ and an end vertex in $X_2\sm\{x,y\}$. Applying Claim~\ref{cl-2}, at least two edges join~$x$ to a vertex in $X_i\sm\{x,y\}$, $i=1,2$. A similar statement holds for~$y$. Let~$H'$ be the graph obtained from~$H$ by deleting all edges joining~$x$ to~$y$. Then $d_{H'}(x),d_{H'}(y)\ge4$ and so $v_3(H')=v_3(H)$. The hypothesis of the theorem is satisfied by~$H'$. If $H'\ne H$, then by minimality, there are $2-v_3(H)$ edge-disjoint good circuits in~$H'$. These circuits are also good in~$H$, a contradiction. Thus we have shown that \begin{semieq} $H$ has no edge joining~$x$ to~$y$.\label{2} \end{semieq} For $i=1,2$, we define~$H_i$ to be the graph obtained from~$H[X_i]$ by adding two new edges $e_i,f_i$, each joining~$x$ to~$y$. For $i=1,2$ we have $d_{H_i}(x),d_{H_i}(y)\ge4$, so~$H_i$ satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem, and has strictly fewer edges than~$H$ has. Furthermore, $v_3(H_1)+v_3(H_2)=v_3(H)\le1$, so we may assume $v_3(H_1)=0$ and $v_3(H_2)=v_3(H)$. Thus~$H_i$ has $2-v_3(H_i)$ good circuits, $i=1,2$. We have three observations regarding these $4-v_3(H)$ circuits in $H_1\cup H_2$. First, by~\eqref{2}, none of these circuits contains more than one edge from $\{e_1,f_1,e_2,f_2\}$. Secondly, if any one of these circuits does not contain any of $e_1,f_1,e_2,f_2$, then that circuit is also good in~$H$. Thirdly, if one of these circuits, say~$D_1$, contains exactly one of $e_1,f_1$ and another of these circuits, say~$D_2$, contains exactly one of $e_2,f_2$, then $D_1\cup D_2-\{e_1,f_1,e_2,f_2\}$ is good in~$H$. Applying these three observations to the $4-v_3(H)$ circuits obtained above, one can construct in all cases $2-v_3(H)$ edge-disjoint good circuits in~$H$, achieving the desired contradiction. \end{proofopen} \noindent In what follows, an edge $e=uv$ of~$H$ is called an {\it $(a,b)$-edge\/} if $d_H(u)=a$ and $d_H(v)=b$. \begin{claim} $H$ has no $(a,b)$-edge with $a,b\ge5$.\label{cl-5} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} If~$e$ is such an edge, then, since~$H$ is 3-connected, $H-e$ satisfies the hypothesis with $v_3(H-e)=v_3(H)$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H-e$ has $2-v_3(H-e)$ edge-disjoint good circuits. Each of these circuits is also good in~$H$, a contradiction. \end{proofopen} \newpage \begin{claim} $H$ has no edge of multiplicity greater than~2.\label{cl-4} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} Suppose that $u,v\in\VH$ are joined by at least three edges. By Claim~\ref{cl-3}, $u$ and~$v$ each have at least two neighbors in $\VH\sm\{u,v\}$, so $d_H(u),d_H(v)\ge5$, contradicting Claim~\ref{cl-5}. \end{proofopen} \begin{claim} $H$ has no $(3,b)$-edge with $b\ge5$.\label{cl-6} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} If $e=uv$ is such an edge and $d_H(u)=3$, then $H-e$ satisfies the hypothesis with $v_3(H-e)=v_3(H)-1=0$. By minimality, $H-e$ has two good circuits. At least one of these circuits does not contain~$u$; this circuit is good in~$H$, a contradiction. \end{proofopen} \begin{claim} $H$ has no $(3,4)$-edge.\label{cl-7} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} Suppose $e=uv$ is such an edge where $d_H(u)=3$. Then $H-e$ satisfies the hypothesis with $v_3(H-e)=v_3(H)=1$. By minimality, $H-e$ has a good circuit~$C$. If~$C$ does not contain~$u$, then~$C$ is good in~$H$, a contradiction. Thus we assume $u\in\VC$. We distinguish two cases. \smallskip {\sl Case 1\,:\mbox{ \ }$C$ contains a vertex~$w$ with $d_H(w)\ge5$.}\\* Let~$P$ be a $u,w$-path in~$C$ and assume that~$w$ has been chosen such that every vertex in $V(P)\sm\{u,w\}$ has degree~4 in~$H$. Since~$C$ is removable in $H-e$, and therefore removable in~$H$, the graph $H'=H-E(P)$ is 2-connected and satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem with $v_3(H')=v_3(H)-1=0$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H'$ contains two edge-disjoint good circuits. Since $d_{H'}(u)=2$, one of these two circuits, say~$C_1$, does not contain~$u$. One easily checks that~$C_1$ is a good circuit in~$H$. \smallskip {\sl Case 2\,:\mbox{ \ }Every vertex in $\VC\sm\{u\}$ has degree~4 in~$H$.}\\* Let $f=ux$ be an edge of~$C$ incident with~$u$ and let~$P$ be the path $C-f$. Again the graph $H'=H -E(P)$ satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem, but now $v_3(H')=v_3(H)=1$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H'$ has a good circuit~$C_1$. Since $d_{H'}(x)=3$ and $d_{H'}(u)=2$, $C_1$ does not contain~$x$ and therefore~$C_1$ does not contain~$u$. This implies that~$C_1$ is a good circuit in~$H$. \smallskip In either case we contradict~$H$ being a counterexample, proving Claim~\ref{cl-7}. \end{proofopen} \newpage \begin{claim} $H$ is 4-regular.\label{cl-8} \end{claim} \begin{proofopen} By Claims \ref{cl-1},~\ref{cl-6} and~\ref{cl-7}, $H$ has minimum degree~4 and thus $v_3(H)=0$. Suppose~$e$ is a $(4,b)$-edge with $b\ge5$. Then $H-e$ satisfies the induction hypothesis with $v_3(H-e)=1$, so $H-e$ contains a good circuit~$C$. One easily checks that~$C$ is good in~$H$. We aim to find two edge-disjoint good circuits in~$H$. It is possible that neither of them will equal~$C$. We consider three cases. \smallskip {\sl Case 1\,:\mbox{ \ }$C$ contains two distinct vertices $v,w$ with $d_H(v),d_H(w)\ge5$.}\\* Let~$P$ be a $v,w$-path in~$C$ and assume that all vertices in $V(P)\sm\{v,w\}$ have degree~4 in~$H$. Since~$C$ is removable in~$H$, the graph $H'=H-E(P)$ satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem with $v_3(H')=v_3(H)=0$. By the minimality of~$H$, $H'$ has two edge-disjoint good circuits, and these two circuits are also edge-disjoint and good in~$H$. \smallskip {\sl Case 2\,:\mbox{ \ }$C$ contains exactly one vertex~$w$ with $d_H(w)\ge5$.}\\* Let $e=wv$ be an edge of~$C$ incident with~$w$ and let $P=C-e$. Then $H-E(P)$ satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem with $v_3(H')=v_3(H)+1=1$. Thus~$H'$ contains a good circuit~$C'$, and this circuit is also good in~$H$. Since $d_{H'}(v)=3$, $C'$ does not contain~$e$, and so~$C'$ is edge disjoint from~$C$. Hence~$C$ and~$C'$ are edge-disjoint good circuits in~$H$. \smallskip {\sl Case 3\,:\mbox{ \ }All vertices in~$C$ have degree~4 in~$H$.}\\* Let $H'=H-\EC$. Since~$C$ is removable in~$H$, $H'$ is 2-connected and satisfies the hypothesis with $v_3(H')=v_3(H)=0$. Thus~$H'$ has two edge-disjoint good circuits $C_1, C_2$. We claim that one of these is removable, and hence good in $H$. As $C_1$,~$C_2$ and~$C$ are edge-disjoint in~$H$, and $d_H(v)=4$ for each $v\in\VH$, each vertex in~$C$ is belongs to at most one of $C_1,C_2$. Since~$C$ is not a lonely digon, Claim~\ref{cl-4} implies that $C$ has length at least~3. Therefore either~$C_1$ or~$C_2$, say~$C_1$, satisfies $|\VC\sm V(C_1)|\ge\lceil\half\,|\VC|\rceil\ge2$. Thus there are at least two distinct vertices in $C$ which belong to the non-trivial 2-connected component of $H'-E(C_1)$. It follows that $H-E(C_1)$ has exactly one non-trivial component, and this component is 2-connected. Thus~$C_1$ is removable in~$H$ as claimed, and $C,C_1$ are edge-disjoint good circuits in~$H$. \smallskip In each case we have contradicted~$H$ being a counterexample, and Claim~\ref{cl-8} is proved. \end{proofopen} \noindent The theorem now follows immediately from Claims~\ref{cl-3} and~\ref{cl-8} and Theorem~\ref{th-eu}. \end{proofplus} \section{Remarks}\label{sec-remarks} This section contains some relevant examples, conjectures and extensions. \subsection{Some examples} The connectivity requirement in Lemma~\ref{lem-eurem} is necessary. For example, the graph of Figure~\ref{fig2} \begin{figure}[htb] \vspace{10pt} \centerline{ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.15mm}% %Doubled Petersen with doubled spokes %Has a faithful circuit cover, but no removable circuit \begin{picture}(438.6,278.2)(-119.3,-139.1) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(-113.3,82.3){\vertex}\put(-113.3,-82.3){\vertex} \put(43.3,-133.1){\vertex}\put(140.0,0.0){\vertex} \put(43.3,133.1){\vertex} % \put(313.3,82.3){\vertex}\put(313.3,-82.3){\vertex} \put(156.7,-133.1){\vertex}\put(60.0,0.0){\vertex} \put(156.7,133.1){\vertex} % \put(-48.5,35.3){\vertex}\put(-48.5,-35.3){\vertex} \put(18.5,-57.1){\vertex}\put(18.5,57.1){\vertex} % \put(248.5,35.3){\vertex}\put(248.5,-35.3){\vertex} \put(181.5,-57.1){\vertex}\put(181.5,57.1){\vertex} % \put(-113.3,82.3){\line(0,-1){164.6}} \bezier{165}(-113.3,-82.3)(-35.0,-107.7)(43.3,-133.1) \bezier{165}(43.3,-133.1)(91.65,-66.55)(140.0,0.0) \bezier{165}(140.0,0.0)(91.65,66.55)(43.3,133.1) \bezier{165}(43.3,133.1)(-35.0,107.7)(-113.3,82.3) % \put(313.3,82.3){\line(0,-1){164.6}} \bezier{165}(313.3,-82.3)(235.0,-107.7)(156.7,-133.1) \bezier{165}(156.7,-133.1)(108.35,-66.55)(60.0,0.0) \bezier{165}(60.0,0.0)(108.35,66.55)(156.7,133.1) \bezier{165}(156.7,133.1)(235.0,107.7)(313.3,82.3) % \bezier{114}(-48.5,35.3)(5.75,17.75)(60.0,0.0) \bezier{114}(60.0,0.0)(5.75,-17.75)(-48.5,-35.3) \bezier{114}(-48.5,-35.3)(-15.0,10.9)(18.5,57.1) \put(18.5,57.1){\line(0,-1){114.2}} \bezier{114}(18.5,-57.1)(-15.0,-10.9)(-48.5,35.3) % \bezier{114}(248.5,35.3)(194.25,17.75)(140.0,0.0) \bezier{114}(140.0,0.0)(194.25,-17.75)(248.5,-35.3) \bezier{114}(248.5,-35.3)(215.0,10.9)(181.5,57.1) \put(181.5,57.1){\line(0,-1){114.2}} \bezier{114}(181.5,-57.1)(215.0,-10.9)(248.5,35.3) % \bezier{82}(-113.3,82.3)(-88.3,46.9)(-48.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,82.3)(-71.9,69.5)(-48.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,-82.3)(-88.3,-46.9)(-48.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,-82.3)(-71.9,-69.5)(-48.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(43.3,-133.1)(17.4,-98.5)(18.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,-133.1)(43.8,-89.9)(18.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,133.1)(17.4,98.5)(18.5,57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,133.1)(43.8,89.9)(18.5,57.1) % \bezier{82}(313.3,82.3)(288.3,46.9)(248.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(313.3,82.3)(271.9,69.5)(248.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(313.3,-82.3)(288.3,-46.9)(248.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(313.3,-82.3)(271.9,-69.5)(248.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(156.7,-133.1)(182.6,-98.5)(181.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(156.7,-133.1)(156.2,-89.9)(181.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(156.7,133.1)(182.6,98.5)(181.5,57.1) \bezier{82}(156.7,133.1)(156.2,89.9)(181.5,57.1) \end{picture} } \begin{capt} A 2-connected graph containing circuit decompositions in which every circuit has length at least~3, but containing no removable circuit of length at least~3.\labl{fig2} \end{capt} \vspace{5pt} \end{figure}% has four distinct circuit decompositions into circuits of length at least three. In each of these decompositions~$\L$, the hypergraph~$\H_\L$ is a circuit with multiple edges so no circuit in~$\L$ is removable. In fact, the graph has no removable circuits at all except for lonely digons. Conversely, Figure~\ref{fig3} \begin{figure}[htb] \vspace{10pt} \centerline{ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.15mm}% %Doubled Petersen with doubled spokes %Has no faithful circuit cover,but a removable circuit \begin{picture}(455.3,278.2)(-119.3,-139.1) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(-113.3,82.3){\vertex}\put(-113.3,-82.3){\vertex} \put(43.3,-133.1){\vertex}\put(43.3,133.1){\vertex} % \put(86.7,82.3){\vertex}\put(86.7,-82.3){\vertex} \put(243.3,-133.1){\vertex}\put(340.0,0.0){\vertex} \put(243.3,133.1){\vertex} % \put(-48.5,35.3){\vertex}\put(-48.5,-35.3){\vertex} \put(18.5,-57.1){\vertex}\put(18.5,57.1){\vertex} % \put(151.5,35.3){\vertex}\put(151.5,-35.3){\vertex} \put(218.5,-57.1){\vertex}\put(218.5,57.1){\vertex} \put(260.0,0.0){\vertex} % \put(-113.3,82.3){\line(0,-1){164.6}} \bezier{165}(-113.3,-82.3)(-35.0,-107.7)(43.3,-133.1) \bezier{165}(43.3,133.1)(-35.0,107.7)(-113.3,82.3) % \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{165}(86.7,-82.3)(165.0,-107.7)(243.3,-133.1) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{165}(243.3,-133.1)(291.65,-66.55)(340.0,0.0) \bezier{165}(340.0,0.0)(291.65,66.55)(243.3,133.1) \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{165}(243.3,133.1)(165.0,107.7)(86.7,82.3) % \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{114}(-48.5,-35.3)(-15.0,10.9)(18.5,57.1) \put(18.5,57.1){\line(0,-1){114.2}} \bezier{114}(18.5,-57.1)(-15.0,-10.9)(-48.5,35.3) % \bezier{114}(151.5,35.3)(205.75,17.75)(260.0,0.0) \bezier{114}(260.0,0.0)(205.75,-17.75)(151.5,-35.3) \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{114}(151.5,-35.3)(185.0,10.9)(218.5,57.1) \bezier{114}(218.5,-57.1)(185.0,-10.9)(151.5,35.3) % \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{82}(-113.3,82.3)(-88.3,46.9)(-48.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,82.3)(-71.9,69.5)(-48.5,35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,-82.3)(-88.3,-46.9)(-48.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(-113.3,-82.3)(-71.9,-69.5)(-48.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(43.3,-133.1)(17.4,-98.5)(18.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,-133.1)(43.8,-89.9)(18.5,-57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,133.1)(17.4,98.5)(18.5,57.1) \bezier{82}(43.3,133.1)(43.8,89.9)(18.5,57.1) % \bezier{82}(86.7,82.3)(111.7,46.9)(151.5,35.3) \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{82}(86.7,82.3)(128.1,69.5)(151.5,35.3) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{82}(86.7,-82.3)(111.7,-46.9)(151.5,-35.3) \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{82}(86.7,-82.3)(128.1,-69.5)(151.5,-35.3) \bezier{82}(243.3,-133.1)(217.4,-98.5)(218.5,-57.1) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{82}(243.3,-133.1)(243.8,-89.9)(218.5,-57.1) \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{82}(243.3,133.1)(217.4,98.5)(218.5,57.1) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \bezier{82}(243.3,133.1)(243.8,89.9)(218.5,57.1) \bezier{82}(340.0,0.0)(299.0,13.9)(260.0,0.0) \bezier{82}(340.0,0.0)(299.0,-13.9)(260.0,0.0) % \bezier{268}(-48.5,35.3)(85.0,46.2)(218.5,57.1) \bezier{268}(-48.5,-35.3)(85.0,-46.2)(218.5,-57.1) % \bezier{67}(43.3,133.1)(65.0,107.7)(86.7,82.3) \bezier{67}(43.3,-133.1)(65.0,-107.7)(86.7,-82.3) % \end{picture} } \begin{capt} A 2-connected graph containing no circuit decomposition in which all circuits have length at least~3, but containing a removable circuit (\,shown in bold\,) of length at least~3.\labl{fig3} \end{capt} \vspace{5pt} \end{figure}% depicts an eulerian graph which has a removable circuit of length at least three, even though every circuit decomposition must use a lonely digon. If~$G$ is a graph having no {\it good\/} circuit (\,in the sense of Theorem~\ref{th-mainstr}\,), then we may obtain a graph having no removable circuit at all by replacing all lonely digons with two lonely digons which are ``in series'', in the manner of the graph of Figure~\ref{fig1}. An alternative view is to replace each lonely digon in~$G$ with an edge of weight~2. This raises a more general problem. \begin{problem} Which 2-connected edge-weighted graphs~$(G,p)$, $p:E\rightarrow\{1,2,\ldots\}$, have a circuit~$C$ such that $G-(E(C)\cap p^{-1}(1))$ is 2-connected\,?\label{qu-ew} \end{problem} \noindent A {\it faithful circuit cover\/} of an edge-weighted graph~$(G,p)$ is a list of circuits such that each $e\in\EG$ is in exactly~$p(e)$ of the circuits in the list. A strengthened form of Lemma~\ref{lem-eurem} holds here. We omit the proof as it is similar to that of Lemma~\ref{lem-eurem}, with regard to Remark~\ref{rem-eul}, and using the more general statement of Theorem~\ref{th-eucov} found in~\litref{alsgodzha}. \begin{lemma} Suppose~$(G,p)$ has a faithful circuit cover, where~$G$ is 2-connected and has no Petersen minor. Then~$(G,p)$ has a faithful circuit cover $(C_1,C_2,\ldots,C_k)$ such that, for each $i=1,2,\ldots,k$, $C_1\cup C_2\cup\cdots\cup C_i$ is a 2-connected subgraph of~$G$.\label{lem-circ} \end{lemma} \noindent This result cannot be extended to graphs which have Petersen minors, as demonstrated by the graph of Figure~\ref{fig4}. \begin{figure}[htb] \vspace{10pt} \centerline{ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.15mm}% % Two Petersen's with a bridge connected % No faithful circuit cover which allows removing circuit one by one \begin{picture}(578.2,265.3)(-139.1,-119.3) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(-82.3,-113.3){\vertex}\put(82.3,-113.3){\vertex} \put(133.1,43.3){\vertex}\put(0.0,140.0){\vertex} \put(-133.1,43.3){\vertex} % \put(-35.3,-48.5){\vertex}\put(35.3,-48.5){\vertex} \put(57.1,18.5){\vertex}\put(0.0,60.0){\vertex} \put(-57.1,18.5){\vertex} % \put(-82.3,-113.3){\line(1,0){164.8}} \bezier{165}(82.3,-113.3)(107.7,-35.0)(133.1,43.3) \bezier{165}(133.1,43.3)(66.55,91.65)(0.0,140.0) \bezier{165}(0.0,140.0)(-66.55,91.65)(-133.1,43.3) \bezier{165}(-133.1,43.3)(-107.7,-35.0)(-82.3,-113.3) % \bezier{114}(-35.3,-48.5)(-17.75,5.75)(0.0,60.0) \bezier{114}(0.0,60.0)(17.75,5.75)(35.3,-48.5) \bezier{114}(35.3,-48.5)(-10.9,-15.0)(-57.1,18.5) \put(-57.1,18.5){\line(1,0){114.2}} \bezier{114}(57.1,18.5)(10.9,-15.0)(-35.3,-48.5) % \put(0.0,60.0){\line(0,1){80}} % \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{41}(-82.3,-113.3)(-58.8,-80.9)(-35.3,-48.5) \bezier{41}(82.3,-113.3)(58.8,-80.9)(35.3,-48.5) \bezier{41}(133.1,43.3)(95.1,30.9)(57.1,18.5) \bezier{41}(-133.1,43.3)(-95.1,30.9)(-57.1,18.5) % \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(217.7,-113.3){\vertex}\put(382.3,-113.3){\vertex} \put(433.1,43.3){\vertex}\put(300.0,140.0){\vertex} \put(166.9,43.3){\vertex} % \put(264.7,-48.5){\vertex}\put(335.3,-48.5){\vertex} \put(357.1,18.5){\vertex}\put(300.0,60.0){\vertex} \put(242.9,18.5){\vertex} % \put(217.7,-113.3){\line(1,0){164.8}} \bezier{165}(382.3,-113.3)(407.7,-35.0)(433.1,43.3) \bezier{165}(433.1,43.3)(366.55,91.65)(300.0,140.0) \bezier{165}(300.0,140.0)(233.45,91.65)(166.9,43.3) \bezier{165}(166.9,43.3)(192.3,-35.0)(217.7,-113.3) % \bezier{114}(264.7,-48.5)(282.25,5.75)(300.0,60.0) \bezier{114}(300.0,60.0)(317.75,5.75)(335.3,-48.5) \bezier{114}(335.3,-48.5)(289.1,-15.0)(242.9,18.5) \put(242.9,18.5){\line(1,0){114.2}} \bezier{114}(357.1,18.5)(310.9,-15.0)(264.7,-48.5) % \put(300.0,60.0){\line(0,1){80}} % \linethickness{4.4\unitlength} \bezier{41}(217.7,-113.3)(241.2,-80.9)(264.7,-48.5) \bezier{41}(382.3,-113.3)(358.8,-80.9)(335.3,-48.5) \bezier{41}(433.1,43.3)(395.1,30.9)(357.1,18.5) \bezier{41}(166.9,43.3)(204.9,30.9)(242.9,18.5) % \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} \put(0.0,60.0){\line(1,0){300}} \put(0.0,140.0){\line(1,0){300}} \end{picture} } \begin{capt} A 2-connected edge-weighted graph (\,thin edges have weight~1, bold edges have weight~2\,) having a faithful circuit cover, but no faithful circuit cover that satisfies the properties in Lemma~\protect\ref{lem-circ}.\labl{fig4} \end{capt} \vspace{5pt} \end{figure}% However, it could be the case that the conclusion holds true for all 3-connected weighted graphs~$(G,p)$ which have a faithful circuit cover. \subsection{Petersen Conjectures} We denote by~$\P$ the 4-regular multigraph obtained from Petersen's graph by duplicating each of the five edges in one of its 1-factors. It is clear that~$\P$ plays a central role in the examples in the previous subsection. This observation and a lack of counterexamples tempt us to venture the following. \begin{conjecture} If~$G$ is a 3-connected graph with minimum degree at least~4 and~$G$ has no removable circuit different from a lonely digon, then~$G$ is isomorphic to\/~$\P$ or may be obtained from copies of\/~$\P$ via repeated applications of the graph composition operation depicted in Figure~\ref{fig5}.\label{con-pete} \end{conjecture} %\noindent %An example of such a composition operation is depicted in %Figure~\ref{fig5}. At this time we know of no other such operation which %preserves 3-connectivity. \begin{figure}[htb] \vspace{10pt} \centerline{ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.15mm}% % My feeble attempt at a picture \begin{picture}(810,195)(-380,-115) \linethickness{1.1\unitlength} % G_1 \put(-330,0){\oval(100,160)} \put(-220,0){\line(-2,1){80}}\put(-220,0){\line(-2,-1){80}} \bezier{100}(-300,0)(-270,12)(-220,0) \bezier{100}(-300,0)(-270,-12)(-220,0) \put(-220,0){\vertex} \put(-300,-40){\vertex}\put(-300,0){\vertex}\put(-300,40){\vertex} % G_2 \put(-70,0){\oval(100,160)} \put(-180,0){\line(2,1){80}}\put(-180,0){\line(2,-1){80}} \bezier{100}(-180,0)(-130,12)(-100,0) \bezier{100}(-180,0)(-130,-12)(-100,0) \put(-180,0){\vertex} \put(-100,-40){\vertex}\put(-100,0){\vertex}\put(-100,40){\vertex} % G \put(170,0){\oval(100,160)}\put(380,0){\oval(100,160)} \put(200,40){\line(1,0){150}}\put(200,-40){\line(1,0){150}} \bezier{150}(200,0)(275,20)(350,0)\bezier{150}(200,0)(275,-20)(350,0) \put(200,-40){\vertex}\put(200,0){\vertex}\put(200,40){\vertex} \put(350,-40){\vertex}\put(350,0){\vertex}\put(350,40){\vertex} % Labels \put(-300,-110){\makebox(0,0){$G_1$}} \put(-100,-110){\makebox(0,0){$G_2$}} \put( 275,-110){\makebox(0,0){$G$}} \put(30,0){\vector(1,0){40}}\put(30,-4){\line(0,1){8}} \ \end{picture} } \begin{capt} If neither~$G_1$ nor~$G_2$ has a removable circuit different from a lonely digon, then neither has~$G$. \labl{fig5} \end{capt} \vspace{5pt} \end{figure}% An apparently weaker conjecture seems to contain much of the difficulty of Conjecture~\ref{con-pete}. This unpublished conjecture was posed by Goddyn~\litref{godlec}, and is weaker than a conjecture of Fleischner and Jackson (\,see Conjecture~12 in~\litref{fle}\,). Let~$\sigma$ be a permutation of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$. A {\it$\sigma$-prism\/} is the graph obtained from two disjoint circuits $(v_1v_2\cdots v_nv_1)$, $(u_1u_2\cdots u_nu_1)$ by adding a digon between vertices $v_i$ and $u_{\sigma(i)}$, for $i=1,\ldots,n$. \begin{conjecture} Let~$H$ be a $\sigma$-prism with $n\ge2$ having no removable circuit different from a digon. Then $H\cong\P$.\label{con-prism} %Let~$H$ be a 4-regular graph which can be edge-decomposed into two %Hamilton circuits,~$C$ and~$D$. Suppose that $H-E(Z)$ has a cut-vertex, for %any circuit~$Z$ whose edges alternate between~$C$ and~$D$. Then~$H$ is %isomorphic with~$K_5$. \end{conjecture} \noindent %To see how Conjecture \ref{con-prism} follows from %Conjecture~\ref{con-pete}, we obtain from~$H$ a ``generalized prism''~$G_H$ %by expanding each vertex of~$H$ into a digon in such a way that~$E(C)$ %and~$E(D)$ induce vertex-disjoint circuits in the resulting 4-regular %graph. For example, if $H=K_5$ and~$C,D$ are circuits of length~$5$, then %$G_H\cong\P$. Conjecture \ref{con-prism}, which we call the ``Prism Conjecture'', is known to hold true whenever the underlying simple graph of~$H$ is 3-edge colorable or has no Petersen minor~\litref{alsgodzha}. Little else appears to be known regarding Conjecture~\ref{con-prism}. \subsection{Complexity} Determining whether a graph contains a Petersen minor can be done in polynomial time~\litref{seyrob}, so there exists a polynomial time algorithm to decide whether a given graph satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem~\ref{th-mainstr}. By our results we know that such a graph contains a removable circuit. On the other hand, the complexity of the following problem is unknown. \begin{trivlist}\item[] \wideitem{\bf(P1)}\sl Given a 2-connected graph~$G$ with minimum degree at least~4 and containing no Petersen minor, find a circuit~$C$ such that $G-E(C)$ is 2-connected. \end{trivlist} \noindent This is in contrast to the published proofs of Theorems~\ref{th-jac}, \ref{th-thotof} and~\ref{th-flejac}, all of which translate to polynomial time algorithms for finding removable circuits. It is the application of Theorem~\ref{th-eucov} which hinders a conversion of the proof of Theorem~\ref{th-mainstr} into a polynomial algorithm for~(P1). More precisely, the proof of Theorem~\ref{th-mainstr} entails a polynomial reduction of~(P1) to the following construction problem for Theorem~\ref{th-eucov}. \begin{trivlist}\item[] \wideitem{\bf(P2)}\sl Given a 3-connected 4-regular graph~$G$ containing no Petersen minor, find a decomposition of~$G$ into circuits of length at least~3. \end{trivlist} \noindent However, (P2) is of unknown complexity~\litref{alsgodzha}. Circumventing this problem appears to require a completely different proof of Theorem~\ref{th-eu}. \subsection{Extension to matroids} J.~Oxley proposed the following problem in~\litref{oxl} (\,see this book for definitions and notation\,). The {\it cogirth\/} of a matroid~$M$ is the minimum cardinality of a cocircuit in~$M$. \begin{problemplus}{{\sc Oxley} \litrefplus{oxl}{(14.4.8)}} Let~$M$ be a simple connected binary matroid having cogirth at least~4. Does~$M$ have a circuit~$C$ such that $M\sm C$ is connected\,?\label{qu-mat} \end{problemplus} \noindent For graphic matroids, Problem~\ref{qu-mat} is answered in the affirmative by any of the Theorems~\ref{th-jac} to~\ref{th-thotof}. In fact, the condition ``having cogirth at least~4'' translates to the condition ``is 4-edge connected'' for graphs, which means that the conditions in Problem~\ref{qu-mat} for graphs are more restrictive than those in Theorem~\ref{th-jac}. For cographic matroids, Problem~\ref{qu-mat} translates as follows. A circuit~$T$ in $M^*(G)$ corresponds to a {\it bond\/} (\,a minimal edge cut\,) in~$G$. The matroid $M^*(G)\sm T$ is connected if and only if either $|E(G\contr T)|=1$ or $G\contr T$ is loopless and 2-connected. Here~$G\contr T$ denotes the graph obtained from~$G$ by contracting all edges in~$T$, but not deleting any resulting multiple edges and loops. \begin{problem} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected, 3-edge connected graph with girth at least~4. Does~$G$ contain a bond~$B$ such that $G\contr B$ is 2-connected\,?\label{con-ox} \end{problem} \noindent The answer to Problem~\ref{con-ox} (\,and Problem~\ref{qu-mat}\,) is ``no'' in general. The following counterexample, due to M.~Lemos, was communicated to us by J.~Oxley in December, 1995. Let~$H$ be the complete bipartite graph with vertex partition $(X_1,X_2)$ where $|X_1|=|X_2|=5$. For $i=1,2$ and for each 3-subset $S\se X_i$, we add to~$H$ two new vertices~$x_S,y_S$, and add a new edge joining each of the six pairs in $\{x_S,y_S\}\times S$. Contracting any bond in the resulting graph results in a graph which is not 2-connected. Extending the main result of this paper to matroids entails removing the word ``simple'' from Problem~\ref{qu-mat}, and removing the requirement ``3-edge connected'' from Problem~\ref{con-ox}. Here, there is a much smaller cographic counterexample which seems to play a role analogous to that played by the graph~$\P$ in the graphic case. Let~$B$ be a bond of cardinality six in~$K_5$, and let~$G$ be the graph obtained from~$K_5$ by duplicating each edge in $E(K_5)-B$ and then subdividing both edges of each resulting digon exactly once. Then~$G$ is 2-connected with girth at least~4, but contracting any bond of~$G$ leaves a graph which is not 2-connected. This example inspires the following. \begin{conjecture} Let~$G$ be a 2-connected graph with girth at least~4 and having no minor isomorphic with~$K_5$. Then~$G$ contains a bond~$B$ such that $G\contr B$ is 2-connected.\label{con-us} \end{conjecture} \noindent More generally, we ask the following. \begin{question} What is the largest minor-closed class of matroids such that every connected matroid $M$ in this class having cogirth at least~4 has a circuit $C$ such that $M\sm C$ is connected\,?\label{qu-minmat} \end{question} \noindent There is a construction similar to the one preceding Conjecture~\ref{con-us} which involves the dual Fano~$F^*_7$ (\,this time~$B$ is a cocircuit of size~4 and we perform a series and parallel extension on the elements of $F^*_7-B$\,). Also, the uniform matroid~$U_{2,5}$ has no removable circuit. This suggests that $M^*(K_5)$, $F^*_7$,~$U_{2,5}$ and Petersen's graph should be excluded minors for Question~\ref{qu-minmat}. This list appears to be related to the list of excluded minors for binary matroids having the ``circuit cover property'' as given in~\litref{fugod}. The ``dual'' problems, obtained by replacing ``circuit'' with ``cocircuit'' in Problems~\ref{qu-mat} and~\ref{qu-minmat}, appear to have a completely different quality. For example, P.~Seymour (\,see~\litrefplus{oxl1}{Lemma~6}\,) has shown that a connected binary matroid~$M$ of girth and cogirth at least~3 has a cocircuit~$B$ such that $M\sm B$ is connected. \newpage \section*{References} \begin{list}{{[\arabic{lit}]}}{\usecounter{lit}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.75cm}% \setlength{\itemsep}{\smallskipamount}% \setlength{\parsep}{\parskip}% \setlength{\topsep}{\smallskipamount}} \item {\sc B. Alspach, L. Goddyn, and C.-Q. Zhang,} Graphs with the circuit cover property, {\sl Trans.\ Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.\/}~{\bf344} (1994) 131--154.\label{alsgodzha} \item {\sc H. Fleischner,} Some blood, sweat, but no tears in Eulerian graph theory, {\sl Congressus Numerantium\/}~{\bf63} (1988) 8--48.\label{fle} \item {\sc H. Fleischner and B. 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