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N. Ellingham\footnote{Supported by the University Research Council of Vanderbilt University and NSERC Canada.}} \cl{\sl Department of Mathematics, 1326 Stevenson Center} \cl{\sl Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240, U. S. A.} \cl{\tt mne@math.vanderbilt.edu} \medskip \cl{Luis Goddyn\footnote{Supported by NSERC Canada.}} \cl{\sl Department of Mathematics and Statistics} \cl{\sl Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C., V5A 1S6, Canada} \cl{\tt goddyn@math.sfu.ca} \bigskip \begin{abstract} The List Edge Colouring Conjecture asserts that, given any multigraph $G$ with chromatic index $k$ and any set system $\{S_e: e \in E(G)\}$ with each $|S_e| = k$, we can choose elements $s_e \in S_e$ such that $s_e \not = s_f$ whenever $e$ and $f$ are adjacent edges. Using a technique of Alon and Tarsi which involves the graph monomial $\prod \{x_u-x_v : uv \in E\}$ of an oriented graph, we verify this conjecture for certain families of 1-factorable multigraphs, including 1-factorable planar graphs. \end{abstract} Keywords: list edge colouring, choosability, 1-factorization, graph polynomial, graph monomial, planar graphs, regular graphs. AMS Classification numbers: 05C15, (05C70, 05C10). \section{Introduction}\label{intro} Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph (with multiple edges allowed). A proper (vertex) colouring of $G$ is a function on $V$ for which adjacent vertices receive distinct values. A {\it proper $k$-colouring\/} is a proper colouring whose range is a subset of $[k] := \{0,1,\ldots,k-1\}$. With this definition, two distinct proper $k$-colourings of $G$ may induce the same partition of $V(G)$. A graph is {\it $k$-colourable} if it has a proper $k$-colouring. The following concept was introduced by Erd\"os, Rubin and Taylor \cite{ErdRubTay}. Let $a:V(G) \to \{1,2,\ldots\}$. We say that $G$ is {\it $a$-choosable\/} or {\it $a$-list colourable\/} if for every set system $\{ S_v : v \in V\}$ such that $|S_v| = a(v)$, there is a proper colouring $c$ such that $c(v) \in S_v$ for $v\in V(G)$. In case $a$ is the constant function $a(v) \equiv k$, we say that $G$ is {\it $k$-choosable\/}. The terms {\it $k$-edge colourable, $a$-edge choosable\/} and {\it $k$-edge choosable\/} are defined in an analogous way. If a graph is $k$-choosable, then it is $k$-colourable, but not conversely, as shown by $K_{3,3}$ which is not $2$-choosable. In contrast, we have the following. % \begin{conjecture}[List Edge Colouring Conjecture]\label{lecc} If \/$G$ is a $k$-edge colourable multigraph, then $G$ is $k$-edge choosable. \end{conjecture} % This conjecture seems to have been arrived at independently by several people. It has been verified for the class of bipartite graphs \cite{Gal}, and also for complete graphs of odd order \cite{HagJan2}. An excellent survey appears in \cite{Alo}. Further results and historical comments may be found in \cite{BolHin,CheHag}. Our main result verifies this conjecture for a class of planar graphs. % \begin{theorem}\label{main} If $G$ is a $d$-regular $d$-edge colourable planar multigraph, then $G$ is $d$-edge choosable. \end{theorem} % The Four Colour Theorem is equivalent to the statement that every $2$-connected $3$-regular planar graph is $3$-edge colourable. Theorem \ref{main} therefore implies that the Four Colour Theorem is equivalent to the statement that every $2$-connected $3$-regular planar graph is $3$-edge choosable. This was observed independently by F. Jaeger and M. Tarsi [personal communication]. For $d \ge 4$, the question of which $d$-regular planar multigraphs are $d$-edge colourable has not yet been resolved. Seymour \cite{Seymour} and others have proposed conjectures that would imply that any $d$-edge connected $d$-regular planar multigraph of even order is $d$-edge colourable, and hence, by Theorem \ref{main}, $d$-edge choosable. Our main tool is a result of Alon and Tarsi \cite{AloTar} which relates choosablility to coefficients in a certain polynomial. Let $D$ be an orientation of $G$. The {\it graph monomial\/} of $G$ is the homogeneous polynomial $\edp(G)$ with variables $\{ x_v : v \in V(G)\}$ and defined by \[ \edp(G)= \prod_{uv \in E(D)} (x_u-x_v) . \] (Some authors call $\edp(G)$ the {\em graph polynomial\/}, but we abandon this overused term in favour of that used by Sabidussi \cite{Sab}.) As we have defined it, $\edp(G)$ depends on a particular orientation $D$ of $G$; however changing the orientation multiplies $\edp(G)$ by $\pm 1$, so $\edp(G)$ is unique up to sign. The graph monomial was first used by Petersen \cite{Petersen}; indeed Petersen gave {\it order, degree\/} and {\it factor\/} their graph theoretical meanings by reference to $\edp(G)$. Scheim \cite{Scheim} used $\edp(G)$ to prove some results about $3$-edge colourings of $3$-regular planar graphs; our Theorem \ref{main} extends one of his results. Li and Li \cite{LiLi} mention $\edp(G)$ in the context of determining the independence number of $G$. % \begin{theorem}[Alon and Tarsi \cite{AloTar}]\label{edpcoeff} \hspace{0.5 in} Let $a:V(G) \to \{1,2,\ldots\}$. If the coefficient of $\;\vprod x_v^{a(v)-1}$ in $\edp(G)$ is nonzero, then $G$ is $a$-choosable. \end{theorem} % Scheim's paper \cite{Scheim} contains much of the reasoning needed to prove this theorem; however, he was working before the introduction of the idea of list colourings, and did not state his results in full generality. Alon and Tarsi \cite{AloTar} give combinatorial interpretations of the coefficients of $\edp(G)$, and use Theorem \ref{edpcoeff} to investigate the (vertex) choosability of planar graphs and bipartite graphs. Fleischner and Stiebitz \cite{FleSti} use Alon and Tarsi's results to solve a conjecture of Erd\"os regarding the $3$-vertex colourability of certain $4$-regular graphs. Penrose \cite{Pen} states the case $d=3$ of Theorem 3.1 in terms of ``abstract tensor systems''. \section{Interpreting the Coefficient}\label{interpret} In order to study edge choosability one applies Theorem \ref{edpcoeff} to line graphs. The {\it line graph\/} $L(G)$ of a multigraph $G$ has $V(L(G))=E(G)$ with an edge joining $e$ to $f$ in $L(G)$ for each common endpoint that $e$ and $f$ have in $G$. Thus, every pair of parallel edges in $G$ is joined by {\em two} edges in $L(G)$. For regular $G$, the coefficient of $\edp(L(G))$ which is of interest has several nice combinatorial interpretations, some of which are implicit in \cite{AloTar} and explicitly described by N. Alon in the preamble to Proposition 3.8 of \cite{Alo}. From here on, $G$ is a $d$-regular multigraph. Let $\xi(G)$ denote the coefficient of $\eprod x_e^{d-1}$ in $\edp(L(G))$. If $\xi(G) \ne 0$, then $G$ is $d$-edge choosable, and thus the List Edge Colouring Conjecture holds true for $G$. The set of edges $\delta(v)$ incident with each vertex $v$ of $G$ can be ordered with a {\it star labelling at $v$}, a bijection $\pi_v : \delta(v) \to [d]$. A {\it global star labelling} is a set $\pi=\{\pi_v : v \in V(G)\}$. We assume that $G$ comes with a fixed global star labelling $\rho=\rho(G)=\{\rho_v\}$, called the {\it reference labelling} of $G$, with which other star labellings will be compared. In particular, the {\it sign\/} of a star labelling $\pi_v$ (relative to $\rho$) is the sign of the permutation $\pi_v \o \rho_v\iv$, and is denoted $\sign_\rho(\pi_v)$, or sometimes just $\sign(\pi_v)$. The sign of a global star labelling $\pi$ is defined as $\sign(\pi) = \prod_{v \in V(G)} \sign(\pi_v)$. Star labellings allow us to assign signs to other combinatorial objects in $G$. A {\it $k$-factor\/} in $G$ is a $k$-regular spanning subgraph of $G$. Let $p=\lceil d/2 \rceil$. An {\it ordered (near) $2$-\factn{}\/} of $G$ is an ordered partition $\F=(F_0,F_1,\ldots, F_{p-1})$ of $E(G)$, where each $F_i$ is a $2$-factor, unless $d$ is odd, in which case $F_{p-1}$ is a $1$-factor (hence the word ``near''). An {\it orientation\/} $\OF$ of $\F$ is an orientation of $G$ so that each $F_i$ becomes a union $\OF_i$ of directed circuits, except that when $d$ is odd $\OF_{p-1}=F_{p-1}$ remains an unoriented $1$-factor. Let $\OOBTF(G)$ denote the set of oriented ordered (near) $2$-\factn{}s of $G$ in which each $2$-factor is bipartite, i.e. a union of even circuits. For each $\OF \in \OOBTF(G)$, there is an associated global star labelling $\pi$: given $uv \in \OF_i$ oriented from $u$ to $v$, we set $\pi_u(uv)=i$ and $\pi_v(uv)=d-1-i$, or if $d$ is odd and $uv \in \OF_{p-1}$ then $\pi_u(uv)=\pi_v(uv)=(d-1)/2$. We define $\sign(\OF)=\sign_\rho(\OF)$ to be $\sign(\pi)$. As shown in \cite{Alo}, % \begin{equation}\label{xi