Math 252 Homework Assignment 05
- Due 8:30 AM Monday February 15th, 1999.
- Section 3.4, page 132:
- 9, 10, 11
- jh05.1:
- Let:

where "a" is a constant.
- What is the curl of this vector field?
- Section 3.6, page 140:
- 4, 7, 8
- jh05.2:
- Let:

- Over what domain of (x,y,z) does phi satisfy Laplace's equation?
- Explain this by plotting the gradient of phi in Maple and
interpreting what it means. [Hint: Consider the vector
field of jh05.1 above, in the limit that "a" goes to zero.]
- Section 3.7, page 145:
- Section 3.8, page 150:
- Section 3.9, page 153:
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Revised 07 February 1999 by
John Hebron.