Mark M's Cool Collection of Space Curves:

Koosh Ball:

"Koosh Ball" was produced using the following Maple commands:

> x:=(1+cos(16*t))*cos(t);
> y:=(1+cos(16*t))*sin(t);
> z:=(1+cos(16*t))*t/10;

                     x := (1 + cos(16 t)) cos(t)

                     y := (1 + cos(16 t)) sin(t)

                     z := 1/10 (1 + cos(16 t)) t

> with(plots):
> spacecurve([x,y,z],t=0..4*Pi,numpoints=1000,
>   axes=normal,scaling='CONSTRAINED',thickness=2);

Bow Tie:

"Bow Tie" was produced using the following Maple commands:

> x:=(8+cos(8*t))*cos(2*t);
> y:=(2+cos(16*t))*sin(2*t);
> z:=cos(2*t)*t/4;

                     x := (8 + cos(8 t)) cos(2 t)

                    y := (2 + cos(16 t)) sin(2 t)

                         z := 1/4 cos(2 t) t

> with(plots):
> spacecurve([x,y,z],t=0..16*Pi,numpoints=2000,
>   axes='NORMAL',scaling='CONSTRAINED');


"Spaghetti" was produced using the following Maple commands:

> x:=(8+cos(8*t))*cos(2*t)+t/4;
> y:=(2+cos(16*t))*sin(2*t)+t/4;
> z:=cos(2*t)*t^2/40;

                 x := (8 + cos(8 t)) cos(2 t) + 1/4 t

                y := (2 + cos(16 t)) sin(2 t) + 1/4 t

                        z := 1/40 cos(2 t) t

> spacecurve([x,y,z],t=0..8*Pi,numpoints=2000,
>   axes='NORMAL',scaling='CONSTRAINED',
>   thickness=2,orientation=[125,55]);

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math252 / assignments / sol03 / studentcurves / mark.m.html

Revised 11 Feburary 1999 by John Hebron.