Math 252 Lecture 01: Monday, January 4th 1999.

We started off by having students introduce each other and briefly say what they did over the holidays. There are a lot of skiers and snowboarders in the class!

Next, I talked a little about the history of vectors, and the competing idea of quaternions, which W.R. Hamilton came up with in 1843. You can read about this in Appendix A of your textbook. This is for your interest only, and the subject won't be on your final exam.

For more information on Quaternions, check out the History of Math Web Site at Trinity College in Dublin.

The lecture ended with a surprise quiz worth 20% of your final mark. I'm just kidding about the 20%! The quiz was only to find out how much you already know so I could plan the course accordingly. There seems to be a lot of overlap between Math 251 and Math 252.

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Revised January 1999 by John Hebron.