Math 252 Lecture 24: Monday, March 1st 1999.

A line integral was defined qualitatively [Transparancy 1] in terms of the tendency of a vector field to line-up along a particular space curve. A diagram was shown of a vector field with three different paths, along which the line integral would respectively be positive, zero, and negative.

The line integral was then precisely defined in terms of a limiting procedure, involving the splitting-up of the path into "n" segments, where "n" becomes infinite and the lengths of the segments becomes infinitesimal. This reduces to an integral [Transparancy 2] which becomes quite easy to evaluate when the path is parameterized appropriately.

An example was given [Transparancies 3 and 4] in which the value of a path integral is different for two different paths connecting the same two endpoints. This shows that, in general, the value of a path integral between two points depends upon the path taken.

However, there are some types of vector fields, called "conservative" vector fields, in which the path integral depends only upon the endpoints, and is independent of the path used to travel between the two points. These will be considered next lecture.

What is the use of all this? An example was given of work, which is the line integral of a force field.

Here are the scanned-in transparancies, in full-colour JPEG format:

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Revised 03 March 1999 by John Hebron.