About the Math Math 151 Assignment Solutions

Solutions to the even-numbered problems of Stewart's Calculus textbook were prepared by Dr. David Ryeburn. He's retired now, but we are still using his solutions. The "I", mentioned various times in these solutions, refers to Dr. Ryeburn.

Dr. Ryeburn painstakingly prepared these solutions using Microsoft Word 5.0 on a Macintosh computer. Most of the mathematical expressions were done with Microsoft Word's "Formula" commands (see Appendix H of the Word 5 for Macintosh manual), rather than the newer "Equation Editor" tool. The advantages of using Formula commands are that the files consume less disk space (no embedded Equation graphics), and the formulas are built with outline fonts which can be magnified without getting the "jaggies". (The disadvantage of "Formula" commands is that they aren't user friendly, but that's no problem for a Mathematician!)

I (John Hebron), edit Dr. Ryeburn's solutions for this course, and then run them through Adobe Acrobat Distiller, in order to turn them into pdf files. I then post them on the Web. These pdf files can be viewed on any computer using the free Acrobat Reader.

I hope you enjoy these high-quality solutions. It is the last time they will be used because, starting in the fall semester of 1999, a different textbook will be used for Math 151. We will miss Dr. Ryeburn's solutions. Maybe we can convince him to come out of retirement to prepare solutions for the new textbook!

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / claw / math151 / assgts / about.html

Revised 16 July 1999 by John Hebron.