Math 314 Homework Assignment 09
- Due 12:30 PM Monday, Novembver 29th, 1999.
- Section 5.3, page 306:
- 6, 7, 8
(For #7 (b) and (c), the solutions will involve double sums. Use Maple
to sum 25 terms of the
series, up to N=5 and M=5, where N and M represent how many terms are taken in
the two sums. Assume a = 1, b = 2, and
k = 1. Do a 3-D plot of the solution for 2 or 3 different
values of t which are of interest, and then make a 3-D animation of the solution
for a range of t which is interesting. Hand-in your plots for the 2 or 3 different
values of t, and hand-in your code for the animations. [And, of course, hand-in your
handwritten work showing your derivation of the solutions.])
(See the Maple Worksheet posted with
the lecture notes from Friday November 19th 1999
for an example of a double-sum solution and animating it in 3-dimensions.)
- Section 5.4, page 309:
- Section 5.5, page 314:
- 8, 10
(#10 depends on #4. However, you don't have to do #4. Just take the relation given
in #4 to be true. [You are, of course, free to verify its truth if you want to.])
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Revised 23 Novemver 1999 by
John Hebron.