Math 232 Homework Assignments, Spring 2000

These are the homework assignments for Math 232 (Elementary Linear Algebra) which was taught in the spring semester of 2000 by Dr. John Hebron. Homework assgnment solutions were posted after the homework was due.

The solutions to the handwritten (non-Maple) components of the assignments generally come in 2 formats, ".pdf" and ".ps". The ".pdf" files require Adobe Acrobat Reader, whereas the ".ps" files are useful if you want to print to a postscript printer.

All these materials are the property of the SFU Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and are made available only for the personal use of students registered in Math 232.

Note: The non-Maple components of the posted solutions are password protected, in order to prevent unauthorized access.

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math232 / assignments / index.html

Revised 21 September 2000 by John Hebron.