Math 232 Homework Assignment 03
- Due 4:30 PM Monday, January 31st 2000
Of the handwritten exercises, only the ones shown in boldface are to
be handed-in. All others are strongly recommended but not to be handed-in.
Maple exercises are to be done on the computer, printed-up, and stapled to
the end of your handwritten work. Solutions to all these problems will be
posted after the assignment is due.
- Section 1.4, pages 70 - 71:
- 32, 34, 36, 38, 42, 50, 54
- Section 1.5, pages 84 - 87:
- 4, 6, 12, 18, 22, 26, 32, 38(a)
- Section 1.6, pages 99 - 101:
- 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 26, 32, 36
- Maple Exercises:
Staple these Maple Exercises to the end of all your handwritten work.
- Sections 1.4 and 1.5
(See the posted Using Elementary Matrices in Maple and
Finding the Inverse of a Matrix in Maple.)
- Make a random 3 by 3 matrix, with the random number generator seeded to
your student ID number (all 9 digits), using the following commands:
Note: Use your own student ID number here, not "981234567"!
- Find the inverse of "A" using Maple's "inverse" command.
- Find the inverse of "A" in Maple using the Gauss-Jordan method.
- Now do #3 showing all the Elementary Row Operations in Maple.
- Use #4 to express "A" as a product of Elementary Matrices in Maple.
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Revised 25 January 2000 by
John Hebron.