Staple these Maple Exercises to the end of all your handwritten work.
Only the exercises shown in boldface are to be handed-in. All others
are strongly recommended but not to be handed-in.
Write explanations in your Maple work, describing what you are doing and why. Don't just
hand-in a string of Maple computations with no explanation.
Clearly label each Maple problem.
The Maple Exercises:
Section 4.1, pages 248-249:
10, 12, 16, 28, 34, 44, 50
[For #16, use both the "crossprod" command the determinant method, and compare the results.]
jh1: As illustrated in the posted Determinants and Cross Products, seed Maple's random number
generator to your student ID number. Make a 6 by 6 matrix of random numbers between -9 and 9.
Find its determinant using the "det" command. Then find its determinant using an expansion
by minors on the third row. On the 5 by 5 minor matrices, just use the "det"
jh2: Read the note at the bottom of page 253 of the textbook, about determinants
of 50 by 50 matrices, computing power, and the lifetime of the solar system. Make a 50
by 50 matrix of random numbers between -9 and 9, and
calculate its determinant. Use a stopwatch to time how long Maple takes. What can
you conclude?