The Basic Math and Linear Algebra Workshop (BMLAW)

  • View the Spring 2000 Final Exam Week BMLAW schedule (in pdf format).
    [Effective 10 April to 21 April 2000 - Modified for the Final Exam Week]

    The Basic Math and Linear Algebra Workshop is located in room K 9505. It is an open lab, where you may drop-in to obtain help from a TA or from the Lab Instructor (Dr. Dubiel). I will also hold one of my office hours there. Homework exercises may be discussed in the BMLAW, but far more important things can and should happen there. In the BMLAW you will have an opportunity to get a different explanation of material already covered in class, or to explore things you may have thought about since the material was first covered. The workshop should be a real learning experience, not just a way to get homework solutions explained. You will not get any more out of the BMLAW than you yourself put into it.

    SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math232 / bmlaw.html

    Revised 14 April 2000 by John Hebron.