Math 232 FAQ - Why don't I get e-mail from the class list?

The Math 232 Class Mailing List was generated from the Registrar's class list, and contains the SFU e-mail addresses for every registered student in the course. I will sometimes post important information to this list, so if you're not receiving anything, it could be due to any of the following problems.

Registration Problems:

If you are not registered for the course, or didn't pay your fees yet, you will not be on the class mailing list. Check your registration status.

Account Not Activated:

You have to activate your Campus Computing Account in order to receive e-mail.

External Account:

If you use an external internet service provider, then please make sure you have your SFU e-mail forwarded to your external account, so that you receive it.

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math232 / faq / e-maillist.html

Revised 09 January 2000 by John Hebron.