Math 232 FAQ: How do I Download a Maple Worksheed?

When I post my Maple Examples on the Web, I usually include a "Download the Maple Worksheet" link. This link points to a ".mws" file, which can be used with Maple. I usually use Maple V Release 5 on a Macintosh to create these files, but they can be used with Maple V Release 4 or 5 on any other platform such as UNIX or Microsoft Windows.

If you click on the "Download the Maple Worksheet" link in your Web Browser, the worksheet will open as a TEXT file in a separate browser window. It will probably look incomprehensible. That's because it's made for Maple to read, not for humans to read. From the File menu of your web browser, you can save the file. Be sure to save it as TEXT. You will then be able to open and manipulate the file with Maple.

Alternatively, you can download the Maple Worksheet directly to your hard disk without viewing all the messy details in a browser window. Here's how to do it:

On a Macintosh using Netscape or Internet Explorer:

Put the cursor on the link and hold down the mouse button for a couple of seconds, until a menu pops-up. From the pop-up menu, choose to save the link as a TEXT file.

On a PC running Microsoft Windows, using Netscape or Internet Explorer:

Put the cursor on the link and use the right mouse button to bring up a menu. From the pop-up menu, choose to save the link as a TEXT file.

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math232 / faq / mwsdownload.html

Revised 18 January 2000 by John Hebron.