Tenth Annual Pacific Northwest
Numerical Analysis Seminar


Web links

Loyce Adams
A Multigrid Algorithm for
Immersed Interface Problems
Uri Ascher
Back-tracking Ax = b
iam95-05 (Tech Rep)
iam95-08 (Tech Rep)
iam96-06 (Tech Rep)
Jonathan Borwein
Mathematics and Publishing on the Web
Jonathan Borwein's home page
contains many relevant links, as well as
the PostScript slides of this talk.

CECM Organic Math Project
James Demmel
Computing Eigenvalues
Rapidly and/or Accurately
see Jim Demmel's Home Page
John Dennis
Using Global Models with
Parallel Direct Searches
see John Dennis' Home Page
John Lewis et al.
Aerodynamic Design Optimization
Chen Greif (student paper)
Cyclic Reduction Applied to
3-Dimensional Convection Diffusion Equations
Omar Odeh (student paper)
Stability of the Bruhat Decomposition

For abstracts of the listed talks please check out the abstracts page.

Go to the PNWNAS main page.

Revised August 6, 1996 by Manfred Trummer (