September 21, Vancouver Museum,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Online Registration Form

If you do not want to submit this form electronically, please send completed Registration Form (click here for LaTeX2e, Dvi and Postscript versions) with payment to: Manfred Trummer (PNWNAS), Dept of Mathematics & Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6.

Institution: Address: City: Province: ZIP: Country: Telephone: FAX: Email:
You must supply your correct e-mail address to ensure proper registration.
Fees. Registration fee includes coffee/tea, refreshments, and lunch.

Please check currency and fee category! US Dollar Canadian
participants with grants (*) $15$20
regular fee (*) $10$13
students/postdocs (*) $8$10
Dinner : [number of tickets: ] $10$13

(*) If your conference registration fee is reimbursed by a grant or by your institution/company, we kindly ask you to support this event by paying the larger amount.

Fees:  Dinner Tickets:   TOTAL:  

We will issue a receipt for the conference fee.
Check here, if you need a receipt for your dinner tickets.

Method of Payment: 
Make cheques payable to Simon Fraser University; mail to address label

Please email all questions, comments, and suggestions for additions to:

Go to the PNWNAS main page.

Revised July 23, 1996 by Manfred Trummer ( and David Fayegh (