Department of Mathematics
Spring 2006
MATH 462 - Fluid Dynamics
Class Webpage
Class Resources:
books & lecture notes (reserve list)
volunteers wanted for lecture notes (see instructor)
webct & discussion group (
This Week in MATH 462:
10 April
final exam: thursday 13 april, 12-3pm, room AQ5007
Web Resources & Interest:
- monday
- wednesday
week 01: introduction to fluids
week 02: physical derivation of Euler's equations
week 03: Euler, Bernoulli and vorticity
week 04: streamlines & irrotational flow
week 05: intro to analytic functions & potential flow
week 06: more potential flow
week 07: theory of flight
week 08: midterm week
week 09: surface water waves
week 10: theory of sound
week 11: vortex lines
week 12: viscosity