Simon Fraser University Department of Mathematics
Spring 2005

MATH 252-3: Vector Calculus

Homework Notes and Comments

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Ralf Wittenberg
K-10536, 291-4792
M, W, F 8:30-9:20am
in K 9500
Davis & Snider,
Introduction to Vector Analysis
Wm.C. Brown

Homework Notes:

  • Some notes on Homework Set 3 :
    • 2.3 # 7: 'log' in this textbook means the natural logarithm, to base 'e', also written as 'ln' (log base 10 is very rarely used in mathematics...)
    • 2.3 # 21; note that rho = 1/k is the radius of curvature of the curve, not the radius of the sphere. Since at any point the Frenet vectors T, N and B form a basis of R3, any vector, including R, can be written as a linear combination of these basis vectors, with the coefficients being the projection onto the basis vectors; thus
      R = (R.T) T + (R.N) N + (R.B) B
      Essentially, the question is thus asking you to compute R.T, R.N and R.B by successive differentiation.