Simon Fraser University Department of Mathematics
Spring 2005

MATH 252-3: Vector Calculus

Week 1 - Introduction

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Ralf Wittenberg
K-10536, 291-4792
M, W, F 8:30-9:20am
in K 9500
Davis & Snider,
Introduction to Vector Analysis
Wm.C. Brown


    • Welcome to MATH 252!
    • No tutorials this week
    • Homework Set 1 due Wednesday, January 19

Vector Analysis

The mathematical description of much of physics and engineering, including mechanics, continuum and fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism, depends heavily on the language of vectors, particularly in three dimensions. In this course we will develop the theory of vector analysis, the differential and integral calculus of scalar and vector functions in one and several dimensions, leading us to the great theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes and some of their applications. We will aim for an appreciation both of the underlying mathematics as well as of some of the applications that have historically motivated this theory. As time permits, we will explore how one can extend the linear structure of vector algebra to more general vector spaces of polynomials and functions, including an introduction to Fourier series.

Week 1:

  • Lecture 1: 10 January
    Course outline: vector analysis and its applications; review of vector algebra, scalar product, orthogonality

    Reading: D&S Ch.1 (1.1-9)

  • Lecture 2: 12 January
    Scalar Product:
    Scalar product, projection, expansion in orthogonal vectors, orthonormal basis, Cartesian coordinates, component form of dot product, introduction to tensor notation, Einstein summation convention

    Reading: D&S Ch.1 (1.1-9, 15)

  • Lecture 3: 14 January
    Vector Product:
    Tensor notation, Kronecker delta; vector (cross) product, properties, area, test for parallelism, parallel-perpendicular decomposition, component form of cross product

    Reading: D&S Ch.1 (1.1-9, 11, 12, 15)