The Mathematics of Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling
This page is still under construction. There are a few corrections and
additions still to be made to the solutions, and other web references
will also be added.
1. Paper.
"Mathematics of Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling",
SIAM Review, 53(2):349-372, 2011. [ PDF | DOI ]
2. Matlab Code.
- a) Standard Gaussian plume solution from Section 3, which
requires the following subroutines:
- setparams.m defines all values of
the input parameters;
- gplume.m calculates the
concentration using the standard plume solution;
- forward.m is the main program that
computes the ground-level concentration and plots the
- b) Plots of the Gaussian plume solution:
- Concentration profiles from Fig. 3.1 are generated using the code
gpplot.m, which also makes use of
gplume.m and
setparams.m from above.
- c) Ermak's solution with deposition and settling, from
Section 3.6:
- setparams.m defines all values of
the input parameters (this is identical to the code from a);
- ermak.m calculates the
concentration using Ermak's plume solution;
- forward2.m is the main program that
computes the ground-level concentrations and the amount of zinc
deposited in receptor jars, and then plots the results.
- d) Solve the inverse source estimation problem:
- The solution to the example from Section 4.1 is computed using
3. Supplementary material.
- a) Solutions to exercises:
- b) Wind data file:
4. On-line information sources.
© John Stockie, SFU, 2011
Last modified: Sat Mar 2 2019