MATH 310
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

Fall 2016

INSTRUCTOR: John Stockie
Office: K 10518
Phone: 778-782-3553
E-mail: stockie  at
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:30-13:20, AQ 3181
MY OFFICE HOURS: Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 and 13:30-14:30 (in K10518)
Tuesdays - 9:30-10:20   AQ 4150 (D101)
10:30-11:20   AQ 5018 (D102)
Thursdays - 11:30-12:20   AQ 5007 (D106)

Alamgir Hossain
Tuesdays - 11:30-12:20   AQ 5008 (D103)
Thursdays - 9:30-10:20   AQ 5006 (D104)
10:30-11:20   AQ 5005 (D105)
PREREQUISITES: MATH 152 or MATH 155/158 with a grade of at least B; MATH 232 or 240.
Homework assignments will be handed out approximately every second week. As a general rule, homework will be due on Fridays at 12:00 noon and the assigned questions will be distributed 2 weeks before the due date. Late submissions will be assigned a mark of zero, no exceptions. You are expected to hand in solutions to all questions, although only 2-3 of the questions will be marked for credit.
Some questions may require the use of Maple or Matlab software, both of which are available on the campus computer network.
Assignments will be returned in the tutorial, and your TA will review the solutions as needed.
MIDTERM TEST: There will be one midterm test of 50 minutes in duration, held in class on Friday October 21. The midterm will cover the material approximately up to the end of Chapter 3.
TEXTBOOK: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th edition, by W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima (Wiley, 2012).
  1. First order equations: Ch 1 (all), Ch 2 (secs 2.1-2.8) -- 3 weeks

  2. Second order linear equations: Ch 3 (all) -- 3.5 weeks

  3. Systems of first order linear equations: Ch 7 (secs 7.1-7.6) -- 1.5 weeks

  4. Nonlinear differential equations: Ch 9 (secs 9.1-9.5) -- 1 week

  5. Series solutions: Ch 5 (secs 5.1-5.7) -- 1.5 weeks

  6. Laplace transform: Ch 6 (secs 6.1-6.4) -- 2 weeks

   Assignments (bi-weekly):   20%
Midterm Test (Oct 21, in class):   30%
Final examination (Dec 7, 12:00-15:00):    50%

Last modified: Mon Apr 20 2020