Using Computers in Math 252


The Math 252 Class Mailing List was generated from the Registrar's class list, and contains the SFU e-mail addresses for every registered student in the course. I will sometimes post important information to this list, so be sure to check your e-mail regularly.

If you use an external internet service provider, then please make sure you have your SFU e-mail forwarded to your external account. You can also send e-mail to this list, provided you use your SFU computing account, or the account to which you forward your e-mail. All other e-mail will be rejected by the list.

If you wish to personally send me e-mail, please make sure you have "Math 252" somewhere in the subject header, otherwise your e-mail will be treated as "spam".


The Math 252 Web Conference is an alternative to e-mail. This is a controlled Web site and you must log into your SFU computing account in order to access it. Only students registered in Math 252 will be allowed to join the conference. I will be posting your marks here on a weekly basis, so check into the conference regularly if you want to keep track of how you're doing. If you have any privacy concerns about this, please click here.

Why use a Web Conference instead of e-mail? The main reasons are those of storage and organization. All messages posted will be kept in a central location, stored by subject thread, where you can easily view the progression of a discussion. E-mail, on the other hand, fills the mailbox of everybody on the mailing list, even those who have no interest in it. Or you might think you have no interest in it, delete the message, and then realize later it was important but the message is gone.

The downside of a Web Conference is that a person has to actively check the conference site and many people just don't bother. Conversely, almost everybody reads their e-mail. Therefore, it is probably best to use e-mail if you have something urgent and important to say in a short message. If it's discussion which only a minority would be interested in, or a long-winded posting, then it's better to use the Web Conference.

Class Web Site:

The Class Web Site,, contains this page and other information about the course, including lecture notes, assignments, and assignment solutions.

Finding a Computer on Campus at SFU:

There are various drop-in labs on campus which are run by Academic Computing Services. The class has also been set up with Assignment Lab accounts. The account names are the same as your SFU computing account names; however, your password is the first seven digits of your student ID number.

If you registered for Math 252 after January 5th, 1999, your Assignment Lab Account will not have been created. For this, or any other problem using the Assignment Lab, please see Grant or Don in AQ 3143 (the blue door by the coffee place).

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math252 / computers.html

Revised January 1999 by John Hebron.