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The Information Systems Audit and Control Association & Foundation - information technology organization representing over 22,000 members in over 100 countries. Offers membership, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISAŽ) program, have local chapters all over the world. 


Vancouver chapter of the ISACA organizes conferences, regular meetings and helps its members with finding career opportunities. I think this is a good organization to be involved in. For example, currently there are interesting employment listings in the Vancouver area. 


Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) is the voice of the Canadian information technology industry. Together with its partner organizations across the country, the association represents 1,300 companies in the computing and telecommunications hardware, software, services, and electronic content sectors. This network of companies accounts for more than 70% of the 512,000 jobs, $116.4 billion in revenue, $4.4 billion in R&D expenditure and $30.8 billion in exports that IT contributes annually to the Canadian economy.


Canadian Association of Advanced Technology(CATAAlliance) is Canada's leading, most influential and entrepreneurial technology alliance. It is committed to growing the global competitiveness of its members, 80% of which are currently active exporters. The common purpose that unites the membership is CATAAlliance's commitment to members' business growth. With offices across the country, their are focused on the provision of business services and government relations programs that conserve and leverage member resources.


Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) represents more than 8,000 Information Technology (IT) Professionals in 30 cities across Canada. It invites Members and non-Members alike to use the CIPS National site as a primary resource for information and news about CIPS and IT-related issues.


TechnoGate Global Technology Gateway is a resource for business information exchange and a strategic partnering catalyst for the advanced technology industry. You can use TechnoGate as your business partnering tool, to assist you in finding partners and business opportunities, showcase new technology products and services in the marketplace and locate industry information all in one user-friendly point-and-click interface.


The Canadian Engineering Network is a powerful resource that allows interaction between members of the engineering, architectural and construction community. It provides members with the opportunity to showcase their services and/or products to a global market. The Canadian Engineering Network also provides users with access to a large repository of industry related information.