Published Research
N. R. Reilly, Shades of orthodoxy in Rees-Sushkevich varieties, Semigroup Forum 78.1 (2009), 157-182.
E. W .H. Lee and N. R. Reilly, Centrality in Rees-Sushkevich varieties, Algebra Universalis 58.2 (2008), 145-180.
S. I. Kublanovsky, E. W. H. Lee and N. R. Reilly, Some conditions related to exactness of Rees-Sushkevich varieties, Semigroup Forum, 76 (2008), 87-94.
N. R. Reilly, The interval [B_2, NB_2] in the lattice of Rees-Sushkevich varieties, Algebra Universalis, (2008), 345-363.
N. R. Reilly, Complete Congruences on the Lattice of Rees-Sushkevich Varieties, Communications in Algebra 35 (2007), 3624-3659.
E. W. H. Lee and N. R. Reilly, The Intersection of Pseudovarieties of Central Simple Semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 73(2006), 75-94.
N. R. Reilly, Varieties generated by completely 0-simple semigroups, J. Australian Math Society, 84 (2008), 375-403.
N. R. Reilly, Strict E-varieties over groups of bounded exponent are varietal, Proceedings of the Klagenfurt Conference 2003 (AAA66), Verlag Johanes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2004.
D. F. Cowan, N. R. Reilly, P. G. Trotter and M. V. Volkov, The finite basis problem for quasivarieties and pseudovarieties generated by regular semigroups, I. Quasivarieties generated by regular semigroups, Journal of Algebra, 267 (2003), 635-653.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Decomposition of the Lattice of pseudovarieties of finite semigroups induced by bands, Algebra Universalis 44 (2000), 217 - 239.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Associativity of products of existence varieties of regular semigroups, J. Pure and Applied Algebra Vol. 135 (1999), 57-91.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Operators on the lattice of pseudovarities of finite semigroups, Semigroup Forum Vol. 57 (1998), 208-239.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Varieties and pseudovarieties generated by D-chains, Proceedings of Conference on Semigroups and Applications, St. Andrews, World Scientific (1998), 179-193.
K. Auinger, T. E. Hall, N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Congruences on the lattice of pseudovarieties of finite semigroups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 7 (1997), 433-455.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Commutativity of operators on the lattice of existence varieties, Monatshefte für Mathematik 123 (1997), 337-364.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Complete endomorphisms of the lattice of pseudovarieties of finite semigroups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 55(1997), 207-218.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Operators and products in the lattice of existence varieties of regular semigroups, Semigroup Forum 53 (1996), 1-24.
N. R. Reilly and D. Cowan, Partial cross-sections of symmetric inverse semigroups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 5 (1995), 259-288.
N. R. Reilly and S. Zhang, Congruence relations on the lattice of existence varieties of regular semigroups, Journal of Algebra 178 (1995) 733-759.
N. R. Reilly, Completely regular semigroups as semigroups of partial transformations, Semigroup Forum, Vol. 48 (1994) 50-62.
N. R. Reilly, Bounds on the variety generated by completely regular syntactic monoids from prefix codes, Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 134 (1994), 189-208.
N. R. Reilly and D.Cowan, Characterizations of Schutzenberger graphs, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 35 (1993) 275-291.
N. R. Reilly, An application of lattice theory to the theory of varieties of semigroups that are unions of groups, South East Asia Mathematics Society. Proceedings of Conf. on Ordered Structures and Algebra of Computer languages, (1993) 170-176.
N. R. Reilly, Large varieties generated by small inverse semigroups, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 58 (1993), 25-41.
N. R. Reilly, Completely simple semigroups of binary relations, Proceedings of Conference on Semigroups with applications, Oberwolfach, 1992, 236-244.
N. R. Reilly and M. Petrich, The modularity of the lattice of varieties of completely regular semigoups and related representations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 32 (1990), 137-152.
N. R. Reilly, Completely regular semigroups, Lattices, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra, Plenum Press, New York (1990), 225-242.
N. R. Reilly, (with M. Petrich), Operators related to idempotent generated and monoid completely regular semigroups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A) 49 (1990), 1-23.
M. Petrich, N. R. Reilly, Operators related to E-disjunctive and fundamental completely regular semigroups, Journal of Algebra Vol. 134 (1990), 1-27.
N. R. Reilly, The Rhodes expansion and free objects in varieties of completely regular semigroups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 69 (1990), 89-109.
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of inverse semigroups, Monash Conference on Semigroup Theory (1990), 246-257.
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of lattice ordered groups, Book chapter in Lattice-Ordered Groups, 228-277, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1989).
N. R. Reilly, Free combinatorial strict inverse semigroups, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 39 (1989), 102-120.
N. R. Reilly, Structure, congruences and varieties of completely regular semigroups, Seminario di Algebra Non-Commutativa, Lecce (1989), 55-85.
N. R. Reilly, (with M. Petrich), Semigroups generated by certain operators on varieties of completely regular semigroups, Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 132, No. 1, (1988) 151-175.
N. R. Reilly, (with W. Charles Holland), Metabelian varieties of 1-groups that contain no non-abelian o-groups, Algebra Universalis, 24 (1987) 204-223.
N. R. Reilly, Free objects in certain varieties of semigroups, Seminario di Algebra Non-Commutativa, Siena (1987), 39-99.
N. R. Reilly, On the lattice of varieties of completely regular semigroups, Proceedings of Chico Conference on Semigroups and Applications (refereed), (1987) 153-168.
N. R. Reilly, (with P.G. Trotter), Properties of relatively free inverse semigroups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 294 (1986), 243-262.
N. R. Reilly, (with W. Charles Holland), Structure and laws of the Scrimger varieties of lattice ordered groups, Proceedings of First International Conference on Ordered Algebraic Systems, Marseilles. S. Wolfenstein (Ed.) Heldermann Verlag Berlin (1986), 71-81.
N. R. Reilly, (with W. Charles Holland and A. Mekler), Varieties of lattice Ordered groups in which prime powers commute, Algebra Universalis 23 (1986) 196-214.
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of lattice ordered groups that contain no non-abelian o-groups are solvable, Order 3 (1986) 287-297.
N. R. Reilly, An update on the problems in "Inverse Semigroups" by M. Petrich, Proceedings of Oberwolfach Conference on Semigroups and Applications, 1986.
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of completely regular semigroups, Australian J. Math. (Series A) 38 (1985), 372-393.
N. R. Reilly, Minimal non-cryptic varieties of inverse semigroups, Oxford Journal of Mathematics (2) 36 (1985), 467-487.
M. E. Huss and N. R. Reilly, On reversing the order of a lattice ordered group, Journal of Algebra 91 (1984),176-191.
N. R. Reilly, The representation of lattices via neutral elements, Algebra Universalis 19 (1984), 341-354.
N. R. Reilly, (with M.Petrich), Certain homomorphisms of the lattice of varieties of completely simple semigroups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A) 37 (1984), 287-306.
N. R. Reilly, (with J. Almeida), Generalized varieties of commutative and Nilpotent semigroups, Semigroup Forum 30 (1984) 77-98.
N. R. Reilly, (with M. Petrich), The join of the varieties of strict inverse semigroups and rectangular bands, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 25 (1984) 59-74.
N. R. Reilly, (with M. Petrich), All varieties of central completely simple semigroups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 280 (1983) 623-636.
N. R. Reilly, (with M. Petrich), E-unitary covers and varieties of inverse semigroups, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 46 (1983) 59-72.
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, The normal hull of a completely simple semigroup, Journal of Algebra 81 (1983) 232-257.
N. R. Reilly, The breadth of the lattice of those varieties of inverse semigroups which contain the variety of groups, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 93 A (1983) 319-325.
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, Near varieties of idempotent generated completely simple semigroups, Algebra Universalis 16 (1983) 83-104.
N. R. Reilly, Nilpotent weakly abelian and Hamiltonian lattice ordered groups, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 33 (108) (1983) 348-353.
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, A network of congruences on an inverse semigroup, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 270 (1982) 309-325.
A. Batbedat, and N. R. Reilly, Categories and biunary semigroups, Simon Stevin Journal 56, 181-209 (1982).
A. Batbedat, and N. R. Reilly, Groupoids, unary and binary semigroups, Simon Stevin Journal, 56, 225-237 (1982)
M. Petrich, and N. R. Reilly, Bands of groups with universal properties, Monatshefte Fur Mathematik, 94, 45-67 (1982).
M. Petrich, and N. R. Reilly, Certain Rees matrix semigroups with universal properties, Semigroup Forum, 22, 101-118 (1981).
N. R. Reilly and R. Wroblewski, Suprema of classes of generalized Scrimger varieties of lattice ordered groups, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 176, 293-309 (1981).
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, Varieties of groups and completely simple semigroups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 23, 339-359 (1981).
N. R. Reilly, A subsemilattice of the lattice of varieties of lattice ordered groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics XXXIII, 1309-1318 (1981).
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, The kernel-trace approach to congruences on completely simple semigroups, Studia Scientarium Mathematicarum Hungarica, 16 (1981), 103-114.
N. R. Reilly, Kernel and trace in inverse semigroups, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 39 (1981), 347-375.
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, Congruences on bisimple inverse semigroups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2), 22, 251-262 (1980).
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of completely semisimple inverse semigroups, Journal of Algebra, 65, 427-444 (1980).
N. R. Reilly, Modular sublattices of the lattice of varieties of inverse semigroups, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 89, 405-417 (1980).
N. R. Reilly, Free inverse semigroups, Conference on Semigroup Theory, Jozsef Attila University, Szeged Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 479-508 (1979).
M. Petrich and N. R. Reilly, A representation theorem for E-unitary inverse semigroups, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford Series) (2), 30, 339-350 (1979).
N. R. Reilly, Idempotent congruence classes in bisimple inverse semigroups, Proceedings of Conference on Regular Semigroups, DeKalb, 139-145 (1979).
N. R. Reilly, A class of regular x-semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 18, 385-386 (1979).
N. R. Reilly, The translational hull of an inverse semigroup, Canadian Journal of Mathematics XXCI, 1050-1068 (1974).
N. R. Reilly, Maximal Inverse Subsemigroups of tc. Semigroup Forum Vol. 15, 319-326 (1978).
N. R. Reilly, Varieties of inverse semigroups, Proceedings of Tulane Conference on Semigroups, 85-93 (1978).
D. B. McAlister and N. R. Reilly, E-unitary covers for inverse semigroups, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 68, No. 1, 161-174 (1977).
N. R. Reilly, Enlarging the Munn representation, J. Australian Math. Vol. XXIII (Series A) Part 1, 28-41 (1977).
N. R. Reilly, Congruence free inverse semigroups, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3), 33, 487-514 (1976).
W. D.Munn, and N. R. Reilly, E-unitary congruences on Inverse Semigroups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 17, Part 1, 57-75 (1976).
N. R. Reilly, Not all fundamental (0)-bisimple inverse semigroups contain charts, Semigroup Forum, Vol. 12, 183-184 (1976).
N. R. Reilly, Representations of ordered groups with compatible tight Riesz orders, J. Australian Math. Soc. (Series A), 397-422 (1975).
N. R. Reilly, Extension of congruences and homomorphisms to translational hulls, Pacific Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 54, 209-228 (1974).
N. R. Reilly, Transitive inverse semigroups on compact Hausdorff spaces, Semigroup Forum, Vol. 8, 184-187 (1974).
N. R. Reilly, Compatible tight Riesz orders and prime subgroups, Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association., Vol. 14, 146-160 (1973).
N. R. Reilly, Extensions of homomorphisms to dense extensions of semigroups, Semigroup Forum, Vol. 6, 153-170 (1973).
N. R. Reilly, Extension of congruences and homomorphisms, De Kalb Symposium on Inverse Semigroups, 140-165 (1973).
N. R. Reilly, Semigroups of order preserving partial transformations of a totally ordered set. J. Algebra, Vol. 22, no. 3, 409-427 (1972).
N. R. Reilly, Inverse semigroups of partial transformations and q-classe,. Pac. Jour. Math., Vol. 41, no. 1, 215-235 (1972).
N. R. Reilly, Free generators in free inverse semigroups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 7, no. 3, 407-424 (1972).
N. R. Reilly, Permutational products of lattice ordered groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Vol. 13, 25-34 (1971).
N. R. Reilly, Congruences on a bisimple inverse semigroup in terms of RP-systems. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3) Vol. 23 (1971) 99-127.
N. R. Reilly, The Number of permutational products of two finite groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 25 (1970) 507-509.
N. R. Reilly, Some applications of wreath products and ultraproducts in the theory of lattice ordered groups. Duke Mathematical Journal Vol. 36 no. 4 (1969) 825-834.
N. R. Reilly, Bisimple inverse semigroups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 132 (1968) 101-114.
A. H. Clifford and N. R. Reilly, Bisimple inverse semigroups as semigroups of ordered triples. Canadian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 20 (1968) 25-39.
N. R. Reilly and H. E. Scheiblich, Congruences on regular semigroups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 23 (1967) 340-360.
N. R. Reilly, Bisimple w-semigroups, Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association Vol. 7 (1966) 160-169.
W. D. Munn and N. R. Reilly, Congruences on a bisimple w-semigroup, Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association Vol. 7 (1966) 184-192.
N. R. Reilly, Embedding inverse semigroups in bisimple inverse semigroups, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Vol. 16 no. 62 (1965) 183-187.