Simon Fraser University Department of Mathematics
Spring 2005

MATH 252-3: Vector Calculus

Week 3 - Space Curves

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This Week
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Ralf Wittenberg
K-10536, 291-4792
M, W, F 8:30-9:20am
in K 9500
Davis & Snider,
Introduction to Vector Analysis
Wm.C. Brown


Week 3:

  • Lecture 7: 24 January
    Arc Length, Curvature:
    Smooth and regular space curves; arc length, arc length parametrization; unit tangent T, curvature, radius of curvature, principal normal N, osculating circle

    Reading: D&S Ch.2 (2.2, 2.3)

  • Lecture 8: 26 January
    Frenet Formulas:
    Tangent, principal normal, binormal B; differential geometry of curves, Frenet formulas, derivation and interpretation, torsion; example

    Reading: D&S Ch.2 (2.3)

  • Lecture 9: 28 January
    Tangential and centripetal acceleration; Introduction to Maple for plotting space curves, the VectorCalculus package

    Reading: D&S Ch.2 (2.3)
    Maple code and examples:
    Space curves
    Vector algebra and geometry of curves (using the VectorCalculus package)

    Some web links:
    Introduction to the VectorCalculus package (we will be covering most of these concepts in this course; for now, look at the 'Operations on Parametric Curves' near the bottom)
    Another vector calculus package for Maple: VecCalc (old version vec_calc); with some sample commands (scroll down the html file to find some animations of a space curve and its Frenet frame)
    Animation of the Frenet frame