In this section, we prove Theorem 1.1, that is, we are interested in
proving that the graph Kn-I can be decomposed into
cycles of length m when m and n are even and
The preliminaries have
been completed for the proof except for the
basic way in which we wish to view the graph Kn-I. We present this,
along with a lemma, and then proceed to the proof of the result.
The preceding definitions imply that the graph Kn - I can be thought
of as the join of a circulant
graph of order n - 2 with
that is,
Kn - I = H(n;A),
Thus the edges of length (n-2)/2in the circulant together with the edge uw make up the edges of the
1-factor I.
PROOF.Label the vertices of the subcirculant with
We have
if and only if
denote the permutation
If L is any subgraph of
H(n;A), then
is defined as
Let P be the trail of length
given by
Thus, we can form a cycle C of length m by taking
We now present the proof of the first main theorem.
Let m and n be positive even integers with
As mentioned in the introduction, if
n(n-2)/2 is an even multiple of m, then using [6,11] it is
not difficult to show that Kn - I can be decomposed into m-cycles.
To do so, we think of Kn-I as the wreath product
that is, replace every vertex of Kn/2 by a copy
and every edge of Kn/2 by a copy of K2,2.
A path P of length m/2 in Kn/2 becomes
in Kn-I, and this graph can be decomposed into two cycles of length
m by the main result of [6]. The proof is completed by using
one of the main results of [11] to observe that Kn/2 can be
decomposed into paths of length m/2.
Because of the preceding paragraph, we may assume that n(n-2)/2 is
an odd multiple of m. Next, by Lemma 2.3, we may
also assume that n < 2m, say n=m+r for some positive integer
r with
Now if r=0, we are done
by a construction of Walecki given in [9]. Thus, we assume
that 0 < r < m. We have
seen that
implies that
and since n(n-2)/2 is an odd multiple of m,
Lemma 2.4 implies that r(r-2)/2 is an even multiple of m.
and label the vertices of the graph
H(n;A) with
where u and w are the
two vertices of
(see Definition 3.2).
Note that the edge joining ui and uj has length j-i or length
i-j depending on which lies between 1 and (n-2)/2 modulo n-2.
The proof of Theorem 1.1 proceeds as follows.
Suppose that B is a subset of A such that
that we can decompose the circulant
into m-cycles.
Then since
the graph H(n;A-B) can be decomposed into m-cycles by Lemma
3.4, it follows that we have a decomposition of H(n;A)into m-cycles. Thus, the rest of the proof consists of determining
a convenient set B of r/2 lengths such that the circulant
can be decomposed into m-cycles.
By Lemma 2.4, we know that r is congruent to 0 or 2 modulo 8, and thus the proof now breaks into these two cases.
The definition of P0,0 does not make sense when
that is, d=2 and a'=1. In this case let
b=r/(2d+1a') = 2e-d-1a/a'. If b > 1, then obtain the path
P1,0 by adding
Similarly, for each j with
Again, let the powers of
If b > 1, then obtain the path P1,0 from P0,0 by subtracting
Similarly, for
There are two special cases that must be considered. When b'=7, let
If b > 1, then obtain the path P1,0 by adding
Similarly, for each j with
Recall that
There are several points we need to consider. First, if a Hamilton cycle
in G uses exactly one length for its edges, then it is easy to see that
it can be used to link together the paths of some
J.-C. Bermond, O. Favaron and M. Maheo [3] proved that any connected
circulant graph of degree 4 can be decomposed into two Hamilton cycles. So
we choose two lengths s1 and s2 in G such that
(s1,s2)=1, which guarantees that the circulant graph with connection
We now must show that there are enough edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles
in the auxiliary graph G to make the above scheme work. Recall that
the number of vertices in G is 2da' and that 2da'>2b.
We now proceed depending on the number of families
Finally, if b >3, then write
b = 4q + 1 or
b = 4q + 3 for some
positive integer q. Suppose first that
b = 4q + 1. Then
Upon obtaining all the m-cycles as described above, we then let
r(r-2)/2=2ea(2e-1a-1). Since m divides r(r-2)/2 evenly,
we have that m=2da'b', where
Partition the vertices of the circulant H into b' segments,
each with
vertices. Each segment will
contribute 2da' edges to an m-cycle. Define the path P0,0 by
is the permutation
from the proof of Lemma 3.4. Since
the vertices of P0,1 are
distinct from the vertices of P0,0 except for
which is the
last vertex of P0,0 and the first vertex of P0,1. Similarly,
the paths
are vertex-disjoint except
that the path P0,i begins at the last vertex of P0,i-1 for
P0,b'-1 ends at u0. Thus
is an m-cycle
and the lengths of the edges of C0 are
to the subscripts of the even vertices of
P0,0, that is,
Next, obtain the paths
by letting
powers of
act on P1,0 in the same way they acted on P0,0.
Furthermore, the path
P1,i begins at the last vertex of
P1, i-1 for
and the last vertex of
P1,b'-1 is u0. Thus,
is an m-cycle, where the lengths of the edges of C1 are
obtain the path Pj,0 by
to the subcripts of the even vertices of P0,0.
Then the paths
are obtained
by letting powers of
act on Pj,0.
Note here that Pj,i begins at the last vertex of Pj,i-1 for
and the last vertex of
Pj,b'-1 is u0.
is an
m-cycle and the lengths of the edges of Cj are
let Bj denote the set of lengths that Cjuses, that is,
Now the longest edge in B has length
2ea < 2da'b' implies that
follows that
Therefore, the lengths of B are distinct and hence |B|=r/2.
Thus, the collection
is a partition of the edge set of the circulant
into m-cycles.
Let r/2=bb'. Then
and note that
The proof now breaks
into two subcases depending on the congruence class of b' modulo 4.
because b'=1 implies that
which is a contradiction.
and note that s is odd. Consider the walk
P0,0 defined by
we have that the vertices of
P0,0 are distinct so that P0,0 is a path. In the case that
s=3, we have b'=5 and
Observe that the lengths of the edges of P0,0 are
Obtain the path P0,1 as before, that is,
the paths P0,0 and
P0,1 are vertex-disjoint. Join the
first vertex of P0,1 to the last vertex of P0,0 and note that
this edge has length 1.
act on P0,0 to obtain the paths
P0,0, P0,1,
P0, 2da'-1. Form the m-cycle C0by joining the last vertex of P0,i to the first vertex of P0,i+1for
and joining the last vertex of
P0,2da'-1to the first vertex of P0,0.
Necessarily, these edges all have length 1. Let
from the subscript of the first vertex and adding
to the
subscripts of the remaining odd vertices of P0,0, that is,
Then the lengths of the edges of P1,0 are
As before, let the powers of
act on P1,0 to
obtain the paths
Form the
m-cycle C1 by joining
the last vertex of P1,i to the first vertex of P1,i+1 for
and joining the last vertex of
P1,2da'-1 to
the first vertex of P1,0. Note that these edges have length
obtain the path Pj,0 from P0,0by subtracting
from the subscript of the first vertex and adding
to the subscripts of the remaining odd vertices of P0,0.
Again, letting the powers of
act on Pj,0, we form the m-cycle Cj by joining
the last vertex of Pj,i to the first vertex of Pj,i+1 for
and joining the last vertex of
Pj,2da'-1 to
the first vertex of Pj,0. Observe that these edges have length
and thus the cycle Cj has edges with
and let
Then the longest edge of B has length either
Now r= 2bb' and
m = 2da'b', and since r < m, we have that
2b< 2da'. Thus,
Therefore, the lengths
are all distinct. Next,
so that B consists of r/2 distinct lengths. Hence, the collection
is a partition of the edge set of the circulant
into m-cycles.
Note that P0,0 uses exactly one edge of each length
and uses no edge whose
length is congruent to
Consider the paths
and note that P0,i begins at vertex
and ends at
When b'=3, the condition
m>r=2ea+2 forces a'=a and d=e-1 which
in turn implies .
The initial path
P0,0=u0,u3,u-4 works
in this case.
to the
subscripts of the even vertices of P0,0, that is,
Next, obtain the paths
letting powers of
act on P1,0 as before. Observe that
these paths use edges of lengths
obtain the path Pj,0by adding
to the subscripts of the even vertices of P0,0.
Then the paths
are obtained by
letting powers of
act on Pj,0. For
denote the collection of paths
and Bj denote the set of lengths that
uses, that is,
Observe that
b(b'-1) lengths, and thus we must
add b lengths to B to use r/2 lengths. The longest edge used thus
far has length
Since r < m implies
b < 2d-1a', it follows that
Thus, the lengths
are distinct.
Furthermore, since (n-2)/2 is an even multiple of
we have that
these lengths are all less than (n-2)/2 as well. In
Subcase 2.1, we saw that
regardless of the
congruence class of b' modulo 4. Thus B consists of b(b'-1)distinct lengths.
is the initial vertex of Pj,i and
is the terminal vertex of Pj,i for
Now we shall link the paths of
form an m-cycle. We shall use Hamilton cycles in an auxiliary
circulant graph G to do so. Let the vertices of G be labeled
Suppose we are given a Hamilton cycle
C in G. Arbitrarily orient the cycle C to obtain a Hamilton
directed cycle
If there is an arc from vi to
vk in
(of length k-i), then insert an edge,
necessarily of length
from the terminal vertex of
Pj,i to the initial vertex of Pj,k. If we do this for each
arc in
it is easy to see that the paths of
are joined together to form an m-cycle. Furthermore,
since the edge from the terminal vertex of Pj,i to the initial
vertex of Pj,k has different length, namely
the edge from the terminal vertex of Pj,k to the initial vertex of
Pj,i, we can use the reverse orientation
to link the paths in another collection
into an m-cycle. Observe that all the edges used to link
together the paths have lengths congruent to
and thus none of them have been used in the
construction of the families
to form
an m-cycle and, in doing so, we use exactly one length in H. However,
if a Hamilton cycle in G uses different lengths for its edges, then
using either orientation to link together paths of some
results in some edges of lengths congruent to
being used. We handle this as follows.
is connected. We
decompose it into two Hamilton cycles and orient each of them in the
two possible ways. We then use these four oriented cycles to form four
m-cycles in H. This then uses all the required edges in H of
lengths congruent to
to the edges used in the Hamilton cycles. Second, when we are left with
1 or 3 families
to link together, we use one or two
Hamilton cycles from G with edges of the same length to complete the
linking process.
link together. If b=1, then let
so that Gis a (2da')-cycle. In this case, the length
is used in
H to link
into an m-cycle. If b=3, then G has at
least eight vertices so that there are at least two lengths s1 and
s2 relatively prime to 2da'. Then each of s1 and s2generates a Hamilton cycle in
thus we can easily link together the three families of paths into
m-cycles. In this case, the lengths
are used in H to link
into m-cycles.
can be used to link
into an m-
cycle using the length
in H. Next take q successive
all of which generate
connected circulants, to obtain two Hamilton cycles in
to link together four
families at a time. Then the lengths
are used in H. If
b = 4q + 3, then find a second integer
relatively prime to 2da' to handle the two extra
families, and the lengths
are used in H.
act on each m-cycle C according to
resulting in a decomposition of
into m-cycles. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
Brian &