Spring 1999

Instructor: Dr. John Hebron

Office: K 10529

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Phone: 291-3636

Fax: 291-4947

E-mail: Click here for info.

Class E-mail List: (Restricted to members only!)

Class Web Site (containing this page):

Class Web Conference:


Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM, in room AQ 3159.



MATH 232 and MATH 251. Students with credit for MATH 312 may not take MATH 252 for further credit.


Introduction to Vector Analysis (Seventh Edition), by H.F. Davis and A.D. Snider, Wm C. Brown Publishers.

Calendar Description:

Vector functions of a single variable, space curves, scalar and vector fields, conservative fields, surface and volume integrals, and theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes.


Note: This outline may be subject to change as the semester progresses, but you can take it to be at least 80% accurate.
  1. Introductory Material and Chapter 1 of the textbook -- 6 lectures from Monday, January 4th 1999 to Friday, January 15th 1999.

  2. Chapter 2 of the textbook -- 4 lectures from Monday, January 18th to Monday, January 25th 1999.

  3. Chapter 3, sections 3.1 to 3.10 of the textbook -- 9 lectures from Wednesday, January 27th 1999 to Monday, February 15th, 1999.

  4. Mid-Term Exam -- 8:30 AM Wednesday, February 17th 1999, in class. Fifty-minute closed-book exam. No calculators.

  5. Chapter 3, section 3.11 of the textbook -- one lecture on Friday, February 19th, 1999.

  6. Chapter 4 of the textbook -- 9 lectures from Monday, February 22nd to Friday, November 12th 1999.

  7. Chapter 5 of the textbook -- 8 lectures from Monday, March 15th to Wednesday March 31st 1999

  8. Final Exam -- 8:30 AM Tuesday, April 6th 1999. Three-hour closed-book exam. No calculators. Location t.b.a.

Lecture Notes:

A summary of each lecture will be posted on the Class Web Site, along with scanned-in colour transparancies which were used in the lectures.

Homework Assignments:

Weekly homework assignments will be given in each Friday's class, and will be due in class the following Friday at 8:30 AM. The homework assignments will also be posted on the Class Web Site, along with solutions (after the assignment is due).

Reference Books:

  1. Advanced Calculus by M.R. Spiegel, Schaum Series, Chapters 6 - 10.

  2. Vector Analysis by M.R. Spiegel, Schaum Series.

  3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by D.G. Zill and M.R. Cullen,
    PWS-Kent Publishing Company, Chapter 8.

Computers and Math 252:


Midterm - 30%
Assignments - 20%
Final Exam - 50%

Students should be aware that they have certain rights to confidentiality concerning the return of course papers and the posting of marks. Click here for more info.

SFU / Math & Stats / ~hebron / math252 / outline.html

Revised January 1999 by John Hebron.