Publications by Subject

Publications by Date

Articles submitted:

[J42] An open-access clicker question bank for numerical analysis (18 pages, with M.A. Hossain and P.M. Menz).
Submitted to PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, July 2020.   [ arXiv ]

Articles published:

[J41] Modelling dynamic ice sheet boundaries and grounding line migration using the level set method (30 pages, with M.A. Hossain and S. Pimentel). Published online in Journal of Glaciology, 2020.   [ DOI | arXiv ]
[J40] Simultaneous model calibration and source inversion in atmospheric dispersion models (20 pages, with J.G. García and B. Hosseini).
Pure and Applied Geophysics, special issue on Forensic Meteorology: Observations and Modeling, published online, Oct. 2019.   [ DOI | arXiv ]
[J39] A Bayesian approach for energy-based estimation of acoustic aberrations in high intensity focused ultrasound treatment (with B. Hosseini, C. Mougenot, S. Pichardo, E. Constanciel and J.M. Drake).
Communications in Computational Physics, 25(5):1564-1590, 2019.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3899446 ]
[J38] Asymptotic and numerical analysis of a porous medium model for transpiration-driven sap flow in trees (with B.M. Janbek).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(4):2028-2056, 2018.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3835602 ]
[J37] Estimating airborne particulate emissions using a finite-volume forward solver coupled with a Bayesian inversion approach (with B. Hosseini).
Computers & Fluids, 154:27-43, 2017.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3679027 ]
[J36] A two-scale Stefan problem arising in a model for tree sap exudation (with I. Konrad and M.A. Peter).
IMA Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82(4):726-762, 2017.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3685101 ]
[J35] Bayesian estimation of airborne fugitive emissions using a Gaussian plume model (with B. Hosseini).
Atmospheric Environment, 141:122-138, 2016.   [ DOI | arXiv ]
[J34] Multi-layer asymptotic solution for wetting fronts in porous media with exponential moisture diffusivity (with C.J. Budd).
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 136(4):424-458, 2016.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3493693 ]
[J33] Simulating biofilm deformation and detachment with the immersed boundary method (with R. Sudarsan, S. Ghosh and H.J. Eberl).
Communications in Computational Physics, 19(3):682-732, 2016.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3474315 ]
[J32] Parametric resonance in spherical immersed elastic shells (with W. Ko).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76(1):58-86, 2016.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3448349 ]
[J31] On regularizations of the delta distribution (with B. Hosseini and N. Nigam).
Journal of Computational Physics, 305:423-447, 2016.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3429589 ]
[J30] Multiscale model of a freeze-thaw process for tree sap exudation (with I. Graf and M. Ceseri).
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(111):20150665, 2015.   [ DOI | arXiv | RS blog ]
[J29] Mathematics for industry: A personal perspective.
Beijing Intelligencer (International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Springer-Verlag, 2015.   [ arXiv ]
[J28] An immersed boundary model of the cochlea with parametric forcing (with W. Ko).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75(3):1065-1089, 2015.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3352622 ]
[J27] Simulating flexible fiber suspensions using a scalable immersed boundary algorithm (with J.K. Wiens).
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 290:1-18, 2015.   [ 
DOI | arXiv | MR3340145 ]
[J26] Numerical simulations of particle sedimentation using the immersed boundary method (with S. Ghosh).
Communications in Computational Physics, 18(2):380-416, 2015.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3377258 ]
[J25] An efficient parallel immersed boundary algorithm using a pseudo-compressible fluid solver (with J.K. Wiens).
Journal of Computational Physics, 281:917-941, 2015.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3282002 ]
[J24] A mathematical model for maple sap exudation (with I. Graf).
Maple Syrup Digest, 26A(4):15-19, December 2014.   [ Web ]
[J23] A three-phase free boundary problem with melting ice and dissolving gas (with M. Ceseri).
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 25(4):449-480, 2014.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3225283 ]
[J22] Riemann solver for a kinematic wave traffic model with a discontinuous flux (with J.K. Wiens and JF Williams).
Journal of Computational Physics, 242:1-23, 2013.   [ DOI | arXiv | MR3062021 ]
[J21] A mathematical model for sap exudation in maple trees governed by ice melting, gas dissolution and osmosis (with M. Ceseri).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 73(2):649-676, 2013.   [ DOI | arXiv | SIAM Nugget | ScienceDaily | MR3033167 ]
[J20] The mathematics of atmospheric dispersion modelling.
SIAM Review, 53(2):349-372, 2011.   [ code | DOI | Column intro | MR2806641 ]
Ranked among SIREV's top 10 most popular articles (1999-2018).
Chinese translation.
[J19] The effect of slip velocity on saturation for multiphase condensing mixtures in a PEM fuel cell (with M.J. Kermani).
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(20):13235-13240, 2010.   [ DOI ]
[J18] Numerical simulations of a gravity-driven fingering in unsaturated porous media using a non-equilibrium model (10 pages, with M. Chapwanya).
Water Resources Research, 46:W09534, 2010.   [ DOI | arXiv ]
[J17] A parametric study of cathode catalyst layer structural parameters on the performance of a PEM fuel cell (with N. Khajeh-Hosseini, M.J. Kermani and D.K. Moghaddam).
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35:2417-2427, 2010.   [ DOI ]
[J16] An inverse Gaussian plume approach for estimating pollutant emissions from multiple point sources (with E. Lushi).
Atmospheric Environment, 44(8):1097-1107, 2010.   [ DOI  | arXiv ]
[J15] A model for reactive porous transport during re-wetting of hardened concrete (with M. Chapwanya and W. Liu).
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 65(1):53-73, 2009.   [ DOI  | arXiv | MR2533860 ]
[J14] Modelling and simulation of porous immersed boundaries.
Computers & Structures, 87(11-12):701-709, 2009.   [ DOI ]
[J13] A moving mesh method with variable relaxation time (with A. Soheili).
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 58(3):249-263, 2008.   [ DOI  | arXiv | MR2391445 ]
[J12] Sharp interface reduction for multiphase transport in a porous fuel cell electrode (with K. Promislow and B.R. Wetton).
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 462(2067):789-816, 2006.   [ DOI | MR2273426 ]
[J11] Parametric resonance in immersed elastic boundaries (with R. Cortez, C.S. Peskin and D.A. Varela).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65(2):494-520, 2004.   [ DOI | Correction | MR2123067 ]
[J10] Heat and mass transfer modeling of dry gases in the cathode of PEM fuel cells (with M.J. Kermani).
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18(2):153-164, 2004.   [ DOI ]
[J9] A finite volume method for multicomponent gas transport in a porous fuel cell electrode (with K. Promislow and B.R. Wetton).
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 41:577-599, 2003.   [ DOI ]
[J8] Adiabatic relaxation of convective-diffusive gas transport in a porous fuel cell electrode (with K. Promislow).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 62(1):180-205, 2001.   [ DOI | MR1857541 ]
[J7] A moving mesh method for hyperbolic conservation laws (with J.A. Mackenzie and R.D. Russell).
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 22(5):1791-1813, 2001.   [ DOI | MR1813298 ]
[J6] Analysis of stiffness in the immersed boundary method and implications for time-stepping schemes (with B.R. Wetton).
Journal of Computational Physics, 154:41-64, 1999.   [ DOI ]
[J5] Simulating the motion of flexible pulp fibres using the immersed boundary method (with S.I. Green).
Journal of Computational Physics, 147(1):147-165, 1998.   [ DOI ]
[J4] The geometry of intersecting tubes applied to controlling a robotic welding torch.
MapleTech (Special Issue on Maple in Industry), 5(2/3):58-66, 1998.   [ Web page ]
[J3] An interactive course in numerical methods for the earth sciences (with S.E. Allen and P.H. Austin).
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78(7):1503-1509, 1997.
[J2] Stability analysis for the immersed fiber problem (with B.R. Wetton).
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 55(6):1577-1591, 1995.   [ DOI | MR1358790 ]
[J1] The generalized Lagrangian method with flux limiters (with S. Sivaloganathan).
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 5(2):121-130, 1995.   [ DOI | MR1315202 ]

Other published contributions:

Preface to Special Issue on Fluid Motion Driven by Immersed Structures (with A. Layton, Z. Li and H. Huang).
Communications in Computational Physics, 12(2):i-iii, 2012.   [ full issue ]

Ph.D. thesis:

Analysis and computation of immersed boundaries, with application to pulp fibres.
Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia, September 1997.

Manuscripts in preparation:

[M3] Experimental and computational study of freeze-thaw induced pressure generation in red and sugar maple trees (with M. Zarrinderakht, I. Konrad, A. van den Berg, T.R. Wilmot and T.D. Perkins).
[M1] An approximate Riemann solver for multi-class traffic flow (with R. Bowlby and J.K. Wiens).

Conference publications:

[C12] Parametric resonance in a model of cochlear dynamics (with W. Ko)
Mechanics of Hearing, St. Catherines, Canada, June 2017.
[C11] Engaging undergraduate students in a modeling course on the mathematics of (mostly Olympic) sport
Mathematics Education in a Connected World, Catania, Italy, September 2015.
[C10] Early detection of important animal health events (with 11 others).
Proceedings of the 13th PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Calgary, AB, May 2009.
[C9] Condensation in the cathode of a PEM fuel cell (with M.J. Kermani and A.G. Gerber).
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Vancouver, BC, May 2003.
[C8] Thermodynamically based moisture prediction using Roe's scheme (with M.J. Kermani and A.G. Gerber).
The 4th Conference of the Iranian Aerospace Society, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, January 2003.
[C7] Multi-phase flow and condensation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.
Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, November 2002.
[C6] Temperature-dependent simulations of dry gas transport in the electrodes of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (with M.J. Kermani).
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, Windsor, ON, June 2002.
[C5] Simulating the dynamics of flexible wood pulp fibres in suspension.
Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, Moncton, NB, June 2002.   [ DOI ]
[C4] Modelling InSb Czochralski growth (with C.S. Bohun and 24 others).
Proceedings of the 5th PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Seattle, WA, June 2001.
[C3] Contaminant transport in municipal water systems.
Proceedings of the 3rd PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Victoria, BC, June 1999.
[C2] Trip wire detection for land mines (with C.J. Budd).
Proceedings of the 2nd PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Calgary, AB, June 1998.   [ web page ]
[C1] Stability and convergence of immersed boundary computations.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, Victoria, BC, May 1997.

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